Cofia f'enaid cofia'r oriau

Cofia, f'enaid, cofia'r oriau
 Y bu Brenin nefoedd wen,
Crëwr moroedd, haul a bryniau,
  Yn ddioddef ar pren.

Llaw allasai'r haul dywyllu,
  Sychu môr, a llosgi tir,
Yn ymoddef cael ei thyllu!-
  O! ryfeddol gariad gwir.

Llaw allasai rwymo'i rhwymwyr
  Obry 'nglyn anfarwol dân,
Yn rhwymedig gan ddirmygwyr
  Wrth y pren - O! f'Arglwydd glân!

Pan ddaw adre'r rhai prynedig
  O'r anialwch maith ei wŷn,
Bydd am hyn annherfynedig
  Fawl i'r hwn fu'n Dduw a dyn.

Bydd adgofio'r clwyfau duon
  A ga'dd Iesu,
      Oen Duw Dad,
Yn melysu fyth yn gyson
  Eu caniadau peraidd mâd.
Daniel Evans (Daniel Ddu o Geredigion) 1792-1846
Gwinllan y Bardd 1831

[Mesur: MC 8686]

Remember, my soul, remember the hours
  When the King of blessed heaven,
Creator of seas, sun and hills,
  Was suffering on the tree.

A hand that could darken the sun,
  Dry sea, and burn land,
Enduring being pierced! -
  Oh wonderful, true love!

A hand that could bind the binders
  Below in the vale of immortal fire,
Bound by scoffers
  To the tree - O my holy Lord!

When the redeemed come home
  From the vast desert of his lambs,
There will be for this unbounded
  Praise to him who was God and man.

The remembrance of the black bruises which
  Jesus got,
      the Lamb of God the Father,
Sweetening forever constantly
  Their honourable, sweet songs.
tr. 2012 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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