Chwi sydd yn caru'r Arglwydd dewch

(Molwch Dduw, ei holl saint ef.)
Chwi sydd yn caru'r Arglwydd, dewch,
  A llawenhewch a chenwch
O fewn yr eglwys newydd gân,
  A'i wyrthiau glân mynegwch.

Iuddewon credu yn Nghrist a wnant
  Ei ras a ganant wedi'n;
Cenhedloedd a'i cydfolant E,
  A Sion adde' i Brenin.

Y saint yn Nuw all lawenhau,
  Ar eu gwel'âu wrth farw,
A chanu megys teulu'r nef,
  Can's cyfyd ef y meirw.

Pryd hynny bydd ei uchel glod
  Yn llanw'u tafod hylwydd,
A hyn fydd braint
    y saint a'u bri;
  O molwch chwi yr Arglwydd.
Caniadau Sion 1827

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Praise God, all ye his saints.)
Ye who love the Lord, come,
  And rejoice and sing
Within the church a new song,
  And his holy wonders express ye.

Jews believe in Christ they shall
  His grace they then shall sing;
Nations shall praise Him together,
  And Zion shall own her King.

The saints in God can rejoice,
  On their beds while dying,
And sing like the family of heaven,
  Since he will raise the dead.

At that time his high acclaim shall be
  Filling their fluent tongues,
And this shall be the privilege
    of the saints and their honour;
  O praise ye the Lord.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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