Cenwch bellach ganiad newydd
Cenwch seintiau ganiad newydd

(Salm 33 - Cān o fawl i Dduw)
Cenwch, seintiau, ganiad newydd,
Cān o lafar fawl i'r Arglwydd;
  Canys mae ei air yn union,
  A'i weithredoedd wnaed yn ffyddlon.

Cyfiawn farn a gār yn rhyfedd,
Llawn yw'r ddaear o'i drugaredd;
  Trwy ei air y gwnaed y nefoedd,
  Trwy ei Yspryd eu holl luoedd.

Casgl fel pentwr ddeifr y moroedd,
Mewn ystordai rho'r dyfnderoedd;
  Gwnaeth y byd ā gair ei enau,
  Cryned dynion wrth ei eiriau.

Byth y saif ei gyngor ffyddlon,
A meddyliau glan ei galon
  O genhedlaeth i genhedlaeth,
  Heb un cysgod troedigaeth.

Gwyn ei byd y genedl freiniol,
Iddi'n Dduw mae'r Arglwydd grasol;
  A'r holl bobl ddetholwyd ganddo
  'N etifeddiaeth hyfryd iddo.
Cenwch, seintiau :: Cenwch, bellach
i'r Arglwydd :: i'n Lywydd
Canys mae ei air :: Mae ei air i gyd
wnaed yn ffyddlon :: oll yn ffyddlon
A'r holl bobl ddetholwyd :: A'r holl rai etholwyd

Casgliad Daniel Rees 1831, 1837.

[Mesur: 8888]

gwelir: Rhan II - O'r nefoedd fry yr edrych Duw

(Psalm 33 - A song of praise to God)
Sing, ye saints, a new song,
A song of vocal praise to the Lord;
  Since his word is upright,
  And his deeds done faithfully.

Righteous judgment he loves wonderfully,
Full is the earth of his mercy;
  Through his word the heavens were made,
  Through his Spirit all their hosts.

He gathers like a heap the water of the seas,
In storehouses he puts the depths;
  He made the world with a word of his mouth,
  Let men tremble at his words.

Forever shall stand his faithful counsel,
And the pure thoughts of his heart
  From generation to generation,
  Without any shadow of turning.

Blessed is the privileged generation,
To it as God is the gracious Lord;
  And all the people chosen by him
  As a delightful heritage for him.
Sing, ye saints :: Sing ye, henceforth
to the Lord :: to our Governor
Since his word is upright :: All his word is upright
done faithfully :: all faithful
And all the people chosen :: And all those chosen

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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