Cân o anfarwol glod dilyth

Songs of immortal praise belong

(Salm cxi - Perfeithrwydd Duw)
Cân o anfarwol glod di-lyth
  A berthyn byth i'm Harglwydd;
Fy nghalon cân, a'm tafod dod
  Ar led ei odidawgrwydd.

Mawr ydyw'r Iôn, a'i wyrthiau glân
  Sy'n gofyn cân ragorol;
Boed i gymmanfa'r saint
    trwy'r byd
  Bawb uno 'ynghyd i'w ganmol.

Mawr yw trugaredd ein Duw ni,
  Ei blant mae'n borthi'n ddiwyd;
Yn wastad cofio'i air a wna,
  A gwneud yn dda'i addewid.

Ei Fab y Prynwr mawr a ddaeth,
  Diogel gwnaeth ei ammod;
Ei enw Bydd yn sanctaidd iawn,
  A'i ffyrdd yn gyfiawn hynod.

A fynno fod yn ddoeth i fyw
  Yn ofn Duw rhaid dechrau;
Prawf eglur o'n gwybodaeth yw
  Casâu pob rhyw bechodau.
cyf. Casgliad D Jones 1810

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(Harddwch gwaith Duw)

Cân o anfarwol glod dilyth
  A berthyn byth i'n Harglwydd;
Fy nghalon cân, a'm tafod dod
  Ar led ei odidawgrwydd.

Mor fawr yw gwaith ei ddwylaw gwych,
  Mor harddwych yw i'n golwg;
Ac yn mhob oes hyfrydwch rhai
  Oedd gwneyd ei wyrthiau'n amlwg.

A fyno fod yn ddoeth i fyw
  Yn ofn Duw rhaid dechrau;
Prawf eglur o'n gwybodaeth yw
  Casâu pob rhyw bechodau.
cyf. Casgliad Samuel Roberts 1841

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Psalm 111 - God's Perfection)
A song of immortal, unfailing praise
  Belongs forever to my Lord;
My heart shall sing, and my tongue set out
  Widely his excellence.

Great is the Master, and his holy wonders
  Which demand an excellent song;
Let the assembly of the saints
    throughout the world
  All unite together to praise him.

Great is the mercy of our God,
  His children he is feeding endlessly;
Constantly remember his word he will,
  And make good his promise.

His Son the great Redeemer has come,
  Secure he made his covenant;
His name shall be truly hallowed,
  And his ways notably righteous.

Whoever insists on being wise to live
  In the fear of God must begin;
The clear proof of our knowledge is
  To hate every kind of sin.

- - - - -

(The beauty of God's work)

A song of immortal, unfailing praise
  Belongs forever to our Lord;
My heart shall sing and my tongue set out
  Widely his excellence.

So great is the brilliant work of his hands,
  So beautiful it is to our sight;
And in every age the delight of those
  Who were making his wonders evident.

Whoever insists on being wise to live
  In the fear of God must begin;
The clear proof our knowledge is
  To hate every kind of sin.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
(Psalm 111)
Songs of immortal praise belong
  To my almighty God;
He has my heart, and He my tongue
  To spread His name abroad.

How great the works His hand has wrought!
  How glorious in our sight!
And men in every age
    have sought
  His wonders with delight.

How most exact is nature's frame!
  How wise th'eternal mind!
His counsels never change the scheme
  That His first thoughts designed.

When He redeemed His chosen sons,
  He fixed His covenant sure;
The orders that His lips pronounce
  To endless years endure.

Nature and time, and earth and skies,
  Thy heavenly skill proclaim;
What shall we do to make us wise,
  But learn to read Thy name?

To fear Thy power, to trust Thy grace,
  Is our divinest skill;
And he's the wisest of our race
  That best obeys Thy will.

- - - - -


Songs of immortal praise belong
  To my almighty God;
He has my heart, and He my tongue
  To spread His name abroad.

How great the works His hand has wrought!
  How glorious in our sight!
And men in every age have sought
  His wonders with delight.

To fear Thy power, to trust Thy grace,
  Is our divinest skill;
And he's the wisest of our race
  That best obeys Thy will.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748 The Psalms of David, 1719.

Tunes [DCM 8686D]:
Anagola (1868 Thomas H H Crossley 1846-1926)
Durrow (traditional Irish air)

Tunes [CM 8686]:
Lanesboro (William Dixon 1750-1825)
Northampton (William Croft 1678-1827)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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