A drigo (y)'nghymdeithas y Tad

(Salm 91 - Gofal Duw am ei bobl)
1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,5,2,4,6.
A drigo y'nghymdeithas y Tad,
  Ei aden yn gaead a'i cudd;
Caiff weled,
    trwy'r aberth a'i ras,
  Ddirgelwch ei deyrnas bob dydd:
Dywedaf - Fy noddfa yw'm NER,
  A'm tyner Waredwr yw'r ION;
Ac ynddo gobeithiaf heb baid,
  Am dano fy enaid a sôn.

Nid ofni rhag dychryn y nos,
  A'r saeth ni ddaw'n agos
      liw dydd;
I'th gadw di ymlaen ac yn ol,
  Ei allu anfeidrol a fydd:
Rhag haint a dinystrydd, dy NER
  A'i aden fydd dyner i'th doi;
A'i enw, dy gysgod a'th graig,
  A'th noddfa ddiogel i ffoi.

Cwymp mil wrth dy ystlys
    i'r llwch,
  Syrth myrddiwn wrth d'ochr
      i'r llawr,
A tithau ni chyffwrdd un plâ,
  Can's Duw yw dy Noddfa di'n awr;
Yn unig canfyddi
    fod tâl,
  A dial, am bechod ryw ddydd;
Er uched yw'r anwir,
    a'i ffroen,
  Amddiffyn i'r beilchion
      ni bydd.

O herwydd it' wneuthur yr ION,
  Yr Arglwydd Goruchaf yn nŷth,
Yn gysgod a noddfa ddi gryn,
  Yn breswyl ddiogel am byth:
Y llew a'i genawon, os rhaid,
  A'r aspiaid
      a sethri'r un awr,
Cai'r ddraig
    a'i chadernid 'r un dydd,
  A'i gallu aflonydd i lawr.

Angylion y nefoedd yn un,
  A warchod oddeutu dy ffyrdd;
Gorchymyn ef ofal i'th gylch,
  Ehedant o'th amgylch di'n fyrdd:
Hwy'th ddygant yn dyner a doeth,
  A'u dwylaw ysbrydol ynghyd,
Rhag llithro na tharaw dy droed,
  Mor hynod eu gofal i gyd.

Ac arnaf y geilw mewn ing,
  Gwrandawaf, gwaredaf ynghyd;
A chyd âg ef byddaf yn blaid
  Digonol i'w enaid o hyd:
Gogoniant, anrhydedd, hir oes,
  Fydd iddo, ac einioes o hedd;
Trwy ras iachawdwriaeth di dranc,
  Y dianc o
      feddiant y bedd.

              - - - - -

A drigo 'nghymdeithas y Tad,
  Ei aden yn gaead a'i cudd;
Caiff weled,
    trwy'r aberth a'i ras,
  Ddirgelwch ei deyrnas bob dydd:
Dywedaf, Fy noddfa yw'm Ner,
  A'm tyner Waredwr yw'r Ion,
Ac ynddo gobeithiaf heb baid,
  Am dano fy enaid a sôn.

Nid ofni rhag dychryn y nos,
  A'r saeth ni ddaw'n agos
      liw dydd;
I'th gadw di 'mlaen ac yn ol,
  Ei aden anfeidrol a fydd;
Rhag haint a dinystrydd, dy Ner
  A'i aden fydd dyner i'th doi;
A'i enw dy gastell a'th gêl,
  A'th noddfa ddiogel i ffoi.

O herwydd it' wneuthur yr Ion,
  Yr Arglwydd Goruchaf dy nyth,
Dy gysgod, dy gartref di-gryn,
  A'th breswyl ddiogel am byth;
Dim niwed ni ddygwydd i ti,
  Na phla i dy boeni ni bydd,
Cysgoda dy babell yn llon,
  Ei roddion dan fendith a rydd.

Angylion y nefoedd, yn llu,
  A warchod oddeutu dy ffyrdd;
Gorchymyn a ddry'n dy gylch,
  Ehedant o'th amgylch di'n fyrdd:
Hwy'th ddygant yn dyner a doeth,
  A'u dwylaw angelaidd yn nghyd,
Rhag llithro na tharo dy droed,
  Mor hynod eu gofal i gyd!

- - - - - Rhan I
A drigo 'nghymdeithas y Tad, Ei aden yn gauad a'i cudd; Caiff weled, trwy'r aberth a'i râs, Ddirgelwch ei deyrnas bob dydd: Dywedaf, Fy noddfa yw'm Nêr, A'm tyner Waredwr yw'r Iôn; Ac ynddo gobeithiaf heb baid, Am dano fy enaid a sôn. Nid ofni rhag dychryn y nôs, A'r saeth ni ddaw'n agos liw dydd; I'th gadw di ymlaen ac yn ôl, Ei allu anfeidrol a fydd: Rhag haint a dinystrydd, dy Nêr A'i aden fydd dyner i'th doi; A'i enw, dy Gastell di-gêl, A'th Noddfa ddiogel i ffoi. Cwymp mil wrth dy ystlys i'r llwch, Syrth myrddiwn wrth d'ochr i'r llawr, A tithau ni chyffwrdd un plâ, Can's Duw yw dy Noddfa di'n awr; Yn unig canfyddi fod tâl, A dial, am bechod ryw ddydd; Er uched yw'r anwir, a'i ffroen, Amddiffyn i'r beilchion ni bydd.
Richard Jones ?1771-1833

Tonau [8888D]:
New Jerusalem (<1835)
Arabia (W J White)
Cleveland (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Salome (alaw Gymreig)

gwelir: Rhan II - O herwydd it' wneuthur yr Iôn

(Psalm 91 - God's care for his people)
Whoever dwells in the company of the Father,
  His wings as a covering to hide him;
He will get to see,
    through the sacrifice and his grace,
  The secret of his kingdom every day:
I will say - My refuge is my CHIEF,
  And my tender Deliver is the LORD;
And in him I will hope without ceasing,
  About him my soul will make mention.

Do not fear the pestilence of the night,
  And the arrow shall not come near
      in daylight,
To keep thee before and behind,
  His immeasurable power shall be:
From infection and destruction, thy CHIEF
  With his wing will be tender to bring thee;
And his name, thy shade and thy rock,
  And thy safe refuge to flee.

A thousand shall collapse
    at thy side to the dust,
  A myriad shall fall beside thee
      to the ground,
And thee shall not one plague touch,
  Since God is thy Refuge now;
Only thou shalt find that
    there will be payment,
  And doubtless, for sin some day;
Despite how high is the untruth,
    and his nostril,
  Defence for the proud
      there shall not be.

Because for you the LORD, the Sovereign
  Most high, will make a nest,
As a shelter and refuge unshaking,
  A safe residence forever:
The lion and its cubs, if necessary,
  And the asps
      thou wilt trample at the same time,
Thou wilt bring the dragon
    and its fastness the same day,
  And its restless power down.

The angels of heaven as one,
  Will guard about thy ways;
He commands care around thee,
  They fly around thee as a myriad:
They lead thee tenderly and wisely,
  And their spiritual hands together,
Against slipping or striking thy foot,
  So notable all their care.

And upon me he will call in anguish,
  I will listen, I will deliver together;
And I will be on his side
  Sufficient for his soul always:
Glory, honour, long life,
  Will be to him, and a lifetime of peace;
Through the grace of undying salvation,
  The escape from
      the possession of the grave.

                - - - - -

Whoever dwells in the company of the Father,
  His wings as a covering to hide him;
He will get to see,
    through the sacrifice and his grace,
  The secret of his kingdom every day:
I will say, My refuge is my Chief,
  And my tender Deliver is the Lord,
And in him I will hope without ceasing,
  About him my soul will make mention.

Do not fear the pestilence of the night,
  And the arrow shall not come near
     in daylight,
To keep thee before and behind,
  His immeasurable wing shall be:
From infection and destruction, thy Chief
  With his wing will be tender to bring thee;
And his name, thy Castle that hides thee,
  And thy safe refuge to flee.

Because for you the Sovereign will make,
  The Lord Most High thy nest,
Thy shelter, thy unshaking home,
  And thy safe residence forever;
No harm shall happen to thee,
  No plague to pain thee shall there be,
He will shade thy tent cheerfully,
  His gifts under a blessing he will give.

The angels of heaven, as a host,
  Will guard about thy ways;
He commands care around thee,
  They fly around thee as a myriad:
They will lead thee tenderly and wisely,
  With their spiritual hands together,
Against slipping or striking thy foot,
  So notable all their care!

- - - - - Part I
Whoever dwells in the company of the Father, His wings as a covering to hide him; He will get to see, through the sacrifice and his grace, The secret of his kingdom every day: I will say, My refuge is my Chief, And my tender Deliver is the Lord; And in him I will hope without ceasing, About him my soul will make mention. Do not fear the pestilence of the night, And the arrow shall not come near in daylight, To keep thee before and behind, His immeasurable power shall be: From infection and destruction, thy Chief With his wing will be tender to bring thee; And his name, thy unconcealed Castle, And thy safe refuge to flee. A thousand shall collapse at thy side to the dust, A myriad shall fall beside thee to the ground, And thee shall not one plague touch, Since God is thy Refuge now; Only thou shalt find that there will be payment, And doubtless, for sin some day; Despite how high is the untruth, and his nostril, Defence for the proud there shall not be.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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