Ynglynion Gnodau - Yr Ail Rhan

Ynglynion Gnodau - Yr Ail Rhan
Gnawd i anian fywiogrwydd,
Neud pob undeb a lwydd?
Llurig dyn ei ddyledswydd.

Gnawd i dwyllodrus ragrith,
Neud drwg yw diwedd pob rhith?
Lle bu'r camwedd daw'r felldith.

Gnawd i ffôl lyngcu rhagfarn,
Neud diofnog gwr cadarn?
Llwybr anwiredd a gerdd barn.

Gnawd i fywmpwy neillduaeth,
Neud llid yw mam bradwriaeth?
A ddygo gledd yw nôd saeth.

Gnawd i win gryfhâu'r galon,
Neud di fudd pob ymryson?
Ni wel awyddus ddigon.

Gnawd i glaf ofni angau,
Neud anhygoel yw chwedlau?
Y gwir yw c'wilydd y gau.

Gnawd ar gybydd dro dyhir,
Neud mwynion geiriau enwir?
Angau'r euawg ydyw'r gwir.

Gnawd i Gristion ei erlid,
Neud balch bun ieuangc o'i gwrid?
Bach yw'r mŷr i ddiffawdd llid.

Gnawd i'r esmwyth fyn'd i boen,
Neud mewn ieuengctid mae hoen?
Gwylia fod blaidd yn rhith oen.

Gnawd i lwfryn ddychwelyd,
Neud anhawdd gado'r bywyd?
Gwerthfawr yw gair yn ei bryd.

Gnawd i ddïeithr ymofyn
Neud hardd march ar lawr dyffryn?
Ar war gallt mae'r eiry gwyn.

Gnawd i ofn ddychymmyg drwg,
Neud ar ddiriad y bydd gwg?
Na ymddiried o'th olwg.

Dafydd Owen (Dewi Wyn o Eifion) 1784-1841
Blodau Arfon 1842

gwelir: Rhan I

Verses on Commonalities - The Second Part
Usual for nature is liveliness,
But does every union succeed?
A man's breastplate is his duty.

Usual for a deceiver is hypocrisy,
But is evil the end of every guise?
Where there was wrong the curse shall come.

Usual for the foolish to swallow prejudice,
But is a strong man fearless?
A path of falsehood judgment shall walk.

Usual for caprice is schism,
But is wrath the mother of treachery?
What brings a sword is the aim of a shot.

Usual for wine is strengthening the heart,
But is every contention futile?
An eager one never sees enough.

Usual for the sick to fear death,
But are tales unbelievable?
The truth is the shame of the false.

Usual for a miser is a dishonest turn,
But are genial words false?
The death of the guilty is the truth.

Usual for a Christian is to be persecuted,
But is a young maiden proud of her blushing?
Small is the ant to extinguish wrath.

Usual for the easy to become painful,
But is sprightliness in youth?
Watch that the wolf is in a lamb’s guise.

Usual for a coward to return,
But is departing from life difficult?
Valuable is a word in its time.

Usual for a stranger to enquire,
But is a steed beautiful on the valley floor?
Up on the hill is the white snow.

Usual for fear to imagine evil,
But shall a frown be on a conqueror?
Do not trust in thy sight.

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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