Bro Marwolaeth

Rhaid im' adael holl hyfrydwch

(Bro Marwolaeth)
Rhaid im' adael holl hyfrydwch
  Daear deg ar fyr o bryd, -
Rhaid i'm llygaid gau'n dragywydd, -
  Rhaid i'r babell gwympo i gyd, -
Rhaid wynebu bro marwolaeth,
  Lle o feibion
      byd ni ddaw
Un i hwylio fy ngherddediad,
  Gan ymaflyd yn fy llaw:

Lle na bydd o'm ceraint ffyddlon
  Un i'm tywys ar yr iawn,
Neu sirioli fy wynebpryd
  A diddanwch da ei ddawn;
Lle nad all yr hyn a gesglais
  O drysorau'r ddaear hon
Bryni dim yn fyddyginiaeth,
  Os anhwylus fydd fy mron:

Bro raid imi dramwy'n unig,
  Heb gyfeillach
      mam na thad,
A roddasent, pe'n eu gallu,
  Im' gynnorthwy'n rhwydd a rhad;
Bro na chaf
    o'i hyll ddiffeithwch
  A'i hanialwch dd'od yn ol,
I ail gyrhaedd dim fo'n eisiau
  A anghofiais yma'n ffol.

Bro marwolaeth!
    dyffryn cysgod
  Angau oerllyd, du ei wedd!
Ar y testun wrth fyfyio
  Difrifoldeb mawr a'm medd:
Bro yw hon heb un goleuni
  Trwy ei holl ehangder maith!
Bro fu'n arswyd edrych arni
  I'r pererin lawer gwaith.

Iesu mawr! nid oes im' gysur
  Oni roddi di dy law;
Ond os ti a weni'n siriol
  Ni fydd arnaf ofn na braw:
Mi ddechreuaf ar fy siwrnai
  Wrth fy modd, gan godi'r gān, -
A than ganu āf yn llawen
  Trwy'r diffeithwch mawr ymla'n.

Yn tywynu ar fy llygaid
  Cyn bo hir bydd
      golau'r wlad,
Lle mae llewyrch digyffelyb
  A diddiwedd ei barhād, -
Lle mae myrdd o aur-delynau
  Yn cydseinio peraidd fawl
Duw a'r Oen, mewn hyfryd hwyldeb
  A gwresogrwydd pur didawl.

Daniel Evans (Daniel Ddu o Geredigion) 1792-1846
Gwinllan y Bardd 1831.

[Mesur: 8787D]

(The Vale of Mortality)
I must leave all the delight
  Of the fair earth in a short time, -
My eyes must close in eternity, -
  The tent must collapse altogether, -
There is need to face the vale of mortality,
  Where from the sons of the
      world shall not come
Any to advance my progress,
  By taking hold of my hand:

Where there will be no faithful kinsman
  Any to lead aright,
Or cheer my countenance
  With the good gift of entertainment;
Where nothing of what I have collected
  Of the treasure of this earth, can
Purchase any medicine,
  If my breast shall be unhappy:

A Vale I must traverse alone,
  Without the accompaniment
      of mother or father,
Who would give, if they could,
  To me ready and free help;
A vale I will not get,
    from its hideous dereliction
  And its desolation, to come back,
To reach again anything needed
  Which I forgot here foolishly.

The vale of mortality!
    the valley of the shadow
  Of chilly death, black its appearance!
On the text while contemplating
  The great seriousness and my grave:
A vale is this without any light
  Throughout its whole vast length!
A vale which was horrific to look upon
  For the pilgrim many a time.

Great Jesus! I have no comfort
  Unless thou give thy hand;
But if thou smile cheerfully
  I shall have neither fear nor terror:
I shall begin on my journey
  Delighted, raising the song, -
And while singing I shall go joyfully
  Through the great desolation forward.

Gleaming on my eyes
  Before long there shall be
      the light of the land,
Where there is incomparable radiance
  Which is endless in its endurance, -
Where there are a myriad of golden harps
  Chorussing the sweet praise
Of God and the Lamb, in a delightful mood
  And pure, unceasing warmth.

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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