Anodd Ymadael

Mewn bwthyn diaddurn

Anodd Ymadael
Mewn bwthyn diaddurn
    yn ymyl y nant
Eisteddai gwraig weddw
    yng nghanol ei phlant;
  Ar ieuaf ofynnodd
      wrth weld ei thristad
  "Mae'r nos wedi dyfod
      ond ble mae fy nhad?"

Fe redodd un arall
    gwyneblon a thlws,
I'w ddisgwyl ef adref
    ar garreg y drws;
  Fe welodd yr hwyrddydd
      yn cuddio y wlad
  A thorrodd ei galon
      wrth ddisgwyl ei dad.

Y sêr a gyfodent
    mor hardd ag erioed,
A gwenai y lleuad
    drwy ganol y coed;
  A'r fam a ddywedodd,
      "Mae'th dad yn y nef
  Ffordd acw, fy mhlentyn –
      ffordd acw mae ef.'

Mewn bwthyn diaddurn
    yn ymyl y nant,
Ymddiried i'r Nefoedd
    mae'r weddw a'i phlant;
  Ni fedd yr holl gread
      un plentyn a wad
  Fod byd anweledig,
      os collodd ei dad.

John Ceiriog Hughes (Ceiriog) 1832-87

A Difficult Parting
In an unadorned cottage
    on the bank of the stream
Sat a widow
    amongst her children;
  The youngest demanded
      on seeing her sadness
  "The night has come
      but where is my father?"

Another ran
    cheerfully faced and pretty,
To await him home
    on the doorstep;
  He saw the evening
      covering the land
  And broke his heart
      waiting for his father.

The stars would rise
    as beautiful as ever,
The moon would smile
    through the middle of the wood;
  'Twas the mother who said,
      "Thy father is in heaven
  Yonder, my child -
      yonder he is."

In an unadorned cottage
    beside the stream,
Trusting to heaven
    are the widow and her children;
  The whole creation possesses
      no child who denies
  That there is an unseen world,
      if he lost his father.

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion  

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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