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G. I. Jones KombatKillZone
This humble site is dedicated to everybody I know, and a lot of people I dont.

My name is Dave. Killing is my business, and business is...well, not so good. But that does'nt stop me from being all hooah all the time. I love to get dirty and play all the war games I can. I love my 16, and I love my 60, but lets face it, I'm a desktop warrior, a paperclip paratrooper, but I'm the best damn Combat Computer Repairman in this man's Army.

Click Here to See My Pics (pardon the sloppy html)

Killer Linx

Alchoholic's Bliss - My Battle-Buddy Ave's Killer Site.
BERT IS EVIL! - Sesame Street will never be the same
Red Meat - If you don't laugh you ass off here, you are a MORON!
David Letterman - the prophet of the new millenium
AfroSquad - Badass Cyber Pimps

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Proud member of the U.S. Army Signal Corps

I'm so Hooah! that I built my own ring.

This Hooah! Armyring was created by G.I.Jones.

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