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Aquila Chase

Aquila Chase appears first at Hampton, N.H. Early in the year 1639, a second band of setlers came with Mr. Timothy Dalton, who became associate pastor of the Hampton church. The town was incorporated by the General Court fo the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 22 May 1639. It is probable that Aquila an dThomas Chase came with this second company, as in June 1640, they became grantees of small house lots, along with other settlers.
In 1640 the Hampton records show therr was granted to Aquila Chase, six acres for a house lot. In 1644, an additional grant was recorded, of six acres of "upland meadow and swamp:, which he sold to his brother Thomas on his removal to Newbury. Aquila Chase was one of the Hampton petitioners, 7 Mar 1643/4, for a modification of the law regulation military drill which had been in force for three years previously. The petition was presented to the Govenor, Deputy Govenor, Council, and Deputies of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. (NH Provincial Papers) In 1646, Aquila Chase was induced to remove to Newbury, as evidenced by the following extract from Newbury records of that year: "Granted to Aquila Chase, Anno 1646, fower (four) acres of land at the new towne for a house lott and six acres of upland for a planting lott, where it can be hsd, and six acres of marsh where it can be had, also on condition the he doe goe to sea and do service in the towne with a boate for four years." The "fower" acres of land at the new :new towne for a house lott" was in whet is now Newburyport, Massachusetts, on the northeasterly corner of Chandler's Land (Federal Street) and on the "way by the Merrimac river". He sold a portion of this land sometime before 1659, but probably lived on the :six acres of upland for a planting lott: until his death in 1670.
The will of Aquila Chase, dated 10 Dec. 1670, gives the homestead to his oldest son, Aquila. He also makes the following bequests: "To my well beloved wife ann I give and bequeath, my house barne and orchard and all my lands both Eareable pasture and marsh meadow ground, lyeing and being inye bounds of the Towne of Newbury aforesayd together with all my goods and chattels, both within dores and without." He made bequests of five pounds each to daughters An and Pricilla. Also bequests to sone, Thomas, John, Daniel, and Moses, and son-in-law Charles Annis. Bequests also were made to Mary, (wife of John Stevens and to Sarah, also daughters. The will was witnessed by William Chandler and Steven Greenleaf, who testified on oath in Court held at Ipswich the 28 of March 1671 that it was the last will of Aquila Chase and that he was of a disposing mind. Aquila was said to be a mariner from Cornwall, England. His memory is honored by a stone tablet in the New England Historic Genealogical Society building in Boston, Massachusetts, for being the first pilot at the mough of the Merrimack River.
1. Aquila Chase, b. circa 1618, probably England, d. 29 Aug. 1670, Newbury, Ma. aged 52, m. circa 1644, Hampton, N.H. (later a part of Massachusetts), to Ann(e) Wheeler. who d. 19 May 168, dau of John and Anne Wheeler of Hampton; Anne m. (2) 14 June 1672, to Daniel Mussiloway.
Children of Aquila and Anne Chase (all b. at Newbury):
i. Sarah b. circa 1645,m. 15 May to Charles (Curmac) Annis, born Ireland.
ii. Anne b. 6 July 1647, m. 27 Apr 1671, to Thomas Barber.
iii. Priscilla b. 14 Mar 1648/9, m. 10 Feb 1670/1 to Abel Merrill
iv. Mary b. 3 Feb 1650/1, m. 9 Mr 1669/70, to John Stevens, of Newbury and Haverhill
v. Aquila b. 26 Sep 1652, Newbury d. 29 July 1720, m. circa 1673 to Edith/Esther Bond, b. 25 Sep 1655, d. after 1720, dau of John Bond and Esther Blakeley
vi. Thomas b. 25 July 1654, d. 25 Feb. 1733, m. (1) 22 Nov. 1677 to Rebecca Follansbee (prob. dau of Thomas and 1st wife Mary): Thomas m. (2) 2 Aug 1713, Elizabeth Morres, (said to be widow of Johathan Mooers of Newbury, and dau of William and Mary Woodhead) b. 28 Dec 1674, Chelmsford, Ma. Thomas Chase was in King Philip's War.
vii. John b. 2 Nov 1655, d. 26 Feb. 1739/40, m. (1) 23 May 1677, to Elizabeth Bingley/Bingham, b. 24 June 1660, Salisbury, Ma. d. circa 1685, dau of William Bingley and Elizabeth Preston. John m. (2) 21 Dec 1687 to Lydia Challis b. 31 May 1665, Salisbury dau of Philip Challis and Mary Sargent. John , a soldier in King Philip's War.
viii. Elizabeth b. 134 Sep 1657, m (1) 27 June 1678, to Zachariah Ayer; m. (2) to Daniel Favor.
ix. Ruth b. 18 Mar 1659/60, d. 30 May1676 age 16.
x. Daniel b. 9 Dec. 1661, m. 25 Aug. 1683 to Martha Kinball, b. 18 Aug. 1664, dau of Henry Kimball and Mary Wyatt; she m. (2) 9 May 1713 to Josiah Heath of Haverhill.
xi. Moses, b. 24 Dec. 1663, m. (1) 10 Nove. 1684 to Ann(e) Follansbee (pos. sister of Rebeca Follansbee), m. (2) 13 Dec. 1713, to Sarah Jacobs, b. 26 Sep 1674, Ipswich, d. 13 Mar 1739, Newbury dau of Thomas Jacobs and Sarah Brown.
This information is taken from the book, "Ancestors and Descendants of Timothy Seymour Lull" compiled by Connie Lull Frey and Carmen W. Missildine.







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