The Magic Stronghold Links

There are many great pages out there, but the Minion reccomends the following:

Magic Pages

The Magic Dojo -A good page with great tourney reports and features.

The Ultimate Magic Page -Great Photo Gallery. Contributed many of the photos on this page.

The Hidden Mage- Great site with great pirces on new and old cards.

Wizards of the Coast- The Official Magic Website. All Magic The Gatheing Terms are coyright to Wizards of the Coast Inc. and no infringment is intented.

MTG Cards -Great Picture site.

Million Point Fireball -The best singles prices on th net (my opinion, no theirs)

Non-Magic Links

Angelfire-They Gave me this free home page.

I would also like to thank all of the great sites that contriubted counters, polls, pictures, and music. Without your help, this site would not be what it is!