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8th level Mul Fighter, Lawful Evil

Str 21 Dex 17 Con 19 Int 14 Wis 15 Cha 14

Hit points: 103
Armor class: -4 (braxat hide armor +1, medium shield)
THAC0 4 (steel longsword +1) Dam: 1d8+13/1d12+13 #AT 2/1
THAC0 7 (longbow with steel-tipped sheaf arrows) Dam: 2d4+9/1d10+9 #AT 2/1

Weapon proficiencies: longsword mastery, medium shield, longbow, local style +1 ar longsword
Nonweapon proficiencies: common, water find, intimidation, armor optimization, armorer, bowyer/fletcher

Wild talents: Displacement

Other: teach weapon, construct warmachines, command 800 troops, double movement 3 days

Equipment: Backpack, 3-gallon waterskin, rations, beltpouch, medium shield, steel shortsword +1, longbow, quiver with 12 steel-tipped sheaf arrows

History: Vargaz used to serve the city-guard in Raam before he became a mercenary soldier. After a year as captain of the guards on a House M'Ke caravan, Vargaz was recruited by Kael Stormseeker in Draj. Vargaz is a skilled torturer and Kael often sends the mul if he wants to break someones kneecaps or other bodyparts. Though Kael is a strict employer who doesn't tolerate failure, Vargaz enjoys working for the infamous bounty hunter.

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