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Dredd Shield

The 2000AD Links Project

References made to the 2000AD Links Project in print publications or media (not including standard web links). Carter also included the original TV ad for 2000AD, which was recently shown on BBC2. Thanks go to Paul Holden for the mpeg.

Bold indicates latest mention.

2000AD Sender Summary
Prog 1076 Mechanismo The first mention of The 2000AD Links Project
Prog 1084 Mechanismo Semi-winner of the official web site competition
Prog 1118 Wakefield Subscribing to 2000AD-L
Prog 1131 Tharg Answer to letter about 2000@D
Prog 1139 Mechanismo Rename 2000AD Poll
Prog 1194 Tharg Answer to letter

Class of '79 Summary
Issue 2 Listings of selected 2000AD sites

Comics International Summary
Issue 111 (10.99) Networks: The Search Engine (page 54)
2000AD sites for the month of September

Television Summary
Sky UK: Skyrocket 12.11.99 1 min 15 seconds on comics and Alan Moore.
Full piece (Zipped 160x120 AVI 26.8Mb)
Cybergoth 12 seconds (320x240 MPEG 3.5Mb)
BBC2: I Love 1977 9.9.00 The original TV ad for 2000AD
(MPEG 2.2 Mb)

The 2000AD Links Project

This page was last referred to by Mechanismo XI on 10.2.2000 AD.