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Subscribing to 2000AD Worldwide

A Mini-FAQ by Windigo the Feral (NYAR!)

Edited and updated for international readers

by The 2000AD Links Project

As for major US distributors, the only distribution company that carries 2000AD is Diamond Distribution. Capital City cancelled it in January of 1994, and Heroes World was strictly M*rvel titles. However, both Capital City and Heroes World are now defunct and Diamond currently has the monopoly over the distribution of comics.

In any case (since the 'Big Four' went exclusive with Diamond and Diamond isn't dropping everything else - making more stores have to get Diamond accounts), 2000AD IS in the Diamond catalogue called Previews. You may have to point out explicitly that it's listed under Rebellion (which recently bought out 2000AD from Egmont Fleetway Ltd.) and, in some cases, show them where exactly to look in their ordering catalogue, but it IS in there - and the better, specialized comics stores WILL get it in, if to keep you the Almighty Customer happy. Cover price in the US is presently $3.25, unless you order from a discount subscriber's club.

As a side note, it has been known that shipping and delivery of 2000ADs through Diamond is much more reliable if one can get a number of people ordering at the same store. Also, the usual shipping delay is short and have been improving gradually - the progs are only two weeks to a month behind (granted, it WAS two months behind); this may be due to the fact that Diamond now has a more reliable way of getting the progs overseas through Diamond UK (one of the UK's major comics distributors). Also, throughout the course of 52 weeks (1 year), expect at least one or two progs of 2000AD to be missing. But consider it a miracle when most of the freebies are still actually attached to 2000AD!

Currently, the Judge Dredd Megazine is also being carried by Diamond, as listed in Previews at roughly the cover price of $6.95.

Whether if you're in one of those horribly unfortunate areas where there are no comics stores, or the local shop simply refuses to carry 2000AD even if it does have a Diamond account, or where mail-order service is indequate, you can get direct subscriptions to both 2000AD and Judge Dredd Megazine at the following address:

Egmont Fleetway Subscriptions
P.O. Box 315
Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 9DT
United Kingdom

Credit card hotline: 01795-414-901


All these rates are in British pounds sterling. All payment has to be made out in this currency, so take into account the cost of converting the cash. To convert these prices into your own respective currency, use The Universal Currency Converter.

(One year - 52 weekly issues)
Judge Dredd Megazine
(One year - 12 monthly issues)
United Kingdom £65 £30
Europe £95 £39
Rest of the world
(USA, CA, AU, NZ, etc.)
£114 (US $170*) £46 (US $70*)

* Since the currency exchange rates change daily, US prices given are approximate

Visa, Mastercard, and Eurocard are accepted; if you don't have these credit cards, you'll need to send a foreign currency cheque or international money order made out in pounds sterling. Watch out for currency conversion charges though!


The 2000AD Links Project

The above information is accurate as of 10.16.2000AD

This page was originally published on the internet by Iain Purdie.