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2000AD/Judge Dredd Book Page

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Judge Dredd: Necropolis by Hamlyn

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Listed here are all of the Dredd books, plus several other tomes related to 2000AD and/or the movie. They are in order of release, and the rating at the bottom of each is purely personal. I know from letters to the Megazine that I disagree with some people regarding one or two of them!

Also included are the author, ISBN (International Standard Book Number), and cover price of each title for anyone wishing to order them. Prices are listed as UK pound sterling and US dollars (if available). A few of the books below can be found from online book dealers listed in the Trading Post. Unfortunately, the majority of the books below listed are out-of-print (no longer printed) and/or out-of-stock (no more copies available). Hopefully this will make things easier for you non-Brits!

Please note that the brief descriptions of the books are from the "blurb" on the back covers, so shouldn't give too much of the plot away. Also, brief introductions additional to the text of some of the novels have been published in the Megazine in the past.



The Savage Amusement by David Bishop

It's election day in Mega-City One, and Judge Death is leading the polls. He's running for mayor on the 'All Life is a Crime' ticket. But if the Psi-Judges' predictions are right, the Big Meg may soon be a crime-free zone.

Out on the streets, the city's top lawman is doing his job. A robot-torturing maniac has taken over Weather Control - but Judge Dredd can handle it. Then he finds out that a satellite housing development is heading straight for the ground, and someone has let the supervillains out of iso-block 666. Meanwhile, a clone-killing virus is spreading through the ranks of the Judges...

Even for Mega-City One, it's shaping up to be a bad day.

David Bishop is the editor of Judge Dredd: The Megazine.

Published: 1994
ISBN: 0-352-32874-6
Price: £3.99
Personal Rating: 4/5
Mechanismo's Rating: 4/5
Availibility: rare

Deathmasques by Dave Stone

The keesh-eater collapsed into a nerveless heap, smearing a thin trail of blood down the pillar. Armitage watched him until he was sure he wouldn't move, then rounded, scowling, on the uniformed Judges. "You think you can clean this up now, or do I have to do everything?"

Travelling to Brit-Cit on the trail of a bloodthirsty, body-hopping alien, Judge Dredd is forced to work with Detective Judge Armitage. Dredd is a one man army who puts the law above everything, even his own humanity; Armitage is thoughtful, cultured, a maverick who seldom goes by the book. It's hate at first sight.

For once, Dredd may be out of his depth.

Dave Stone: swordsman, bon vivant, sliding-string ontologist - these are just some of the words he knows. He is familiar to readers of Judge Dredd The Megazine as the writer of Armitage.

ISBN: 0-352-32873-8
Price: £3.99
Personal Rating: 2/5
Mechanismo's Rating: 2/5
Availability: rare

Dreddlocked by Stephen Marley

Mister Cairo, private eye and wild psi-talent, has been hired to find a missing alien call-girl. The only clue her abductors have left is an inverted Tarot card: The World, turned upside down.

But, following her trail into the dark Undercity, confronting Under Judges and ancient stars of the silver screen, Cairo realises that far more than one girl's life is at stake. He begins to uncover a plot that has its roots in his own suppressed past; a plot to release Lethal Reality on the citizens of Mega-City One.

As his investigation uncovers betrayal and corruption at the very highest levels, he is forced to confront the man who killed his mother and put him in the juve-cubes: Judge Dredd, the man he has sworn to kill.

Stephen Marley is the author of Life of the Virgin Mary, Spirit Mirror and Mortal Mask, the latter two in the dark fantasy genre. He lives in Derby, enjoys visiting haunted houses and once almost completed a PhD in Ancient Chinese Studies.

Published: 1993
ISBN: 0-352-32875-4
Price: £3.99
Personal Rating: 3/5
Mechanismo's Rating: 2/5
Availability: rare

Cursed Earth Asylum by David Bishop

Judge Chung sobbed, bitter tears running down her face.
"He killed them, all of them," she said.
"Who killed them?" McGruder demanded.

Twenty years ago, the Justice Department built an asylum called Erebus to house the surviving atrocities from early experiments with cloning, eugenics and psi-enhancement. The inmates were grotesque, disfigured beyond belief. One of them was evil beyond imagining.

Two weeks ago, Judge Dredd led a Hotdog Run into the Cursed Earth; the only survivor returned to accuse him of murder. Now a group of judges is sent to find him and bring him back - alive or dead.

Is Dredd a traitor? Perhaps the answer lies in Erebus, where the inmates have taken over the asylum, and madness is no longer just a state of mind.

David Bishop is the editor of Judge Dredd: The Megazine. He is the author of Judge Dredd - The Savage Amusement.

ISBN: 0-352-32893-2
Price: £4.99
Personal Rating: 3/5
Mechanismo's Rating: 4/5
Availability: rare

The Medusa Seed by Dave Stone

When Detective Judge Armitage is sent to Mega-City One, he thinks that things can't get any worse. Then he runs into Judge Dredd - and discovers that his problems have only just begun...

Chicago, 1926: Mass-murderer Albert Fish is to be executed in the electric chair. But when the lever is pulled, a massive power surge opens a space-time gateway and sends Fish hurtling into the future.

Mega-City One, 2116: Judge Dredd is fighting a desperate battle against the fanatical following of a charismatic Brit-Cit sociopath. Meanwhile, across the city, something strange and frightening is happening to reality.

These events are linked. To discover how, Judge Dredd must unwillingly unite with Brit-Cit Judge Armitage to defeat a menace that threatens both their cities - and perhaps the entire world.

Dave Stone writes the long-running Armitage strip in Judge Dredd The Megazine. He is the author of Judge Dredd: Deathmasques.

Published: 1994
ISBN: 0-352-32895-9
Price: £4.99
Personal Rating: 4/5
Mechanismo's Rating: 5/5
Availability: rare

Dread Dominion by Stephen Marley

Joe and Rico Dredd: clone brothers who chose to live on different sides of the law. Thirty-seven years ago, Dredd arrested his twin in Cafe Cesare and condemned him to life as a cyborg on the prison-moon Titan.

Now the Cafe seems to be at the heart of a wave of hallucinations sweeping Mega-City One. Even the Judges are affected. Their behaviour is increasingly erratic. It's almost as if they have become entirely different people. And throughout the city, people are being tortured and killed by a man who calls himself Chief Judge Dread.

To save his world, Judge Dredd must cross to another dimension where Judge Caligula is the Governor of New Rome and Anderson and Giant lead anti-Judge rebels. A dimension in which history took one very wrong turn...

Stephen Marley is a well-established writer of dark fantasy. He is the author of Spirit Mirror, Mortal Mask, Shadow Sisters and Judge Dredd - Dreddlocked.

ISBN: 0-352-32929-7
Price: £4.99
Personal Rating: 4/5
Mechanismo's Rating: 3/5
Availability: average

The Hundredfold Problem by John Grant

Four million years ago a Dyson sphere was built on the fringes of our solar system. A few thousand early hominids were transported from the third planet to colonise the vast spaces of the hollow world. On the third planet, and within the Dyson sphere, mankind evolved separately.

For years, Mega-City One has secretly been sending its most dangerous criminals through a matter transmitter to the sphere nicknamed Big Dunkin Donut. But now arch-villain Dennis the Complete Bloody Sadist is threatening to destroy the sphere - and Judge Dredd is sent to stop him.

Dredd thinks his biggest problem will be Dr Petula McTavish, the xenotheologist appointed to accompany him - until a matter transmitter malfunction splits him into a hundred Dredds. And within the sphere, the immortal queen-godess Korax knows the apocalyptic doom awaiting mankind...

John Grant is a prolific and admired author and editor of novels, short stories and directories in the fields of science fiction, fantasy, sword-and-sorcery and non-fiction. He was technical editor of The Encyclopaedia of Science Fiction. His novels include Albion, The World and the spectacularly successful Legends of Lone Wolf series.

Published: 1994
ISBN: 0-352-32942-4
Price: £4.99
Personal Rating: 2/5
Mechanismo's Rating: 2/5
Availability: rare

Silencer by David Bishop

Sector 66 is on the verge of civil war. The Ape Gangs aren't going to give up their position as crime overlords easily - and they've got a weapon of mass destruction to prove it. The mysterious She-Devils, meanwhile, have Justice Department weaponry to back up their claim.

When citizens begin to go missing and Sector Chief Kozwall is found horribly murdered, fear and paranoia reach fever pitch. Sector 66 needs the iron hand of the Law - and who better to provide it than Judge Dredd?

But once Dredd's investigations are under way, he finds gang warfare is the least of his worries. Something nightmarish is stalking the pedways of Sector 66, and there's a traitor at Justice Central. Somehow, it all ties in with the sinister experiments known as the Prometheus Project.

David Bishop is the editor of Judge Dredd The Megazine. This is his third Dredd novel. He enjoys a rude health and writing about himself in the third person.

Published: 1994
ISBN: 0-352-32960-2
Price: £4.99
Personal Rating: 5/5
Mechanismo's Rating 5/5
Availability: rare

Wetworks by Dave Stone

AD 2117. There's something nasty up in Puerto Lumina on the moon, and across Earth people are dying; 3,600 carefully co-ordinated deaths a day, every day and twice on Sundays. It's been going on for months. Someone's laying the groundwork for a nightmare that will encompass the entire world. And they need Joe Dredd taken out of the picture. They need a killer. They need the best.

She's the ultimate assassin: born into the horror of the Thai Territories breeding camps and trained with relentless brutality. Then they sliced into her head and they streamlined her mind. She never stops until her designated target is excised. But now, for the first time, she has some ideas of her own.

This is one of a series of full-length, science-fiction novels featuring the well-known 2000 AD comic character: Judge Dredd, lawman of the future, judge, jury and executioner.

Dave Stone claims to be the all-powerful deity. In his corporeal manifestation, between scripting the Brit-Cit Armitage strips for Fleetway and writing such coruscating novels as Judge Dredd: Deathmasques, he experiments incoherently with Super 8 film and there doesn't seem to be any way of stopping him.

Published: 1995
ISBN: 0-352-32975-0
Price: £4.99
Personal Rating: 4/5
Mechanismo's Rating: 3/5
Availability: rare

Film Books

Judge Dredd by Neal Barrett, Jr. based on the screenplay by William Wisher and Steven E. De Souza.

It is the Third Millennium, and Planet Earth has become a cesspool of violence and mayhem. The new guardians of society are the Judges, who have the power to dispense both justice and punishment. One of them is feared above all others. In Mega-City One, he is the law...Judge Dredd.

Wrongly accused of murder and sent to the dreaded remote Aspen Prison, Judge Dredd is shocked to discover he is a clone-the result of a genetic experiment designed to create the perfect lawman. Now, as his sinister twin plots to overthrow the justice system, he will team up with a computer-hacker ex-con and an alluring rookie female judge in an all-out battle for the future of the planet.

With the ruthless Judge Hunters tracking him for a crime he didn't commit, Dredd is in the race of his life-to get back to Mega-City One in time to stop his brother's cold-blooded conspiracy, before it's too late...

The hottest superhero to grace the screen since Batman, Judge Dredd comes alive in a futuristic action thriller of the century!

Published: 1995
ISBN: 0-312-95628-2
Price: £4.99 or $4.99
Mechanismo's Rating: 4/5
Availabilty: abundant

Judge Dredd Audio Book read by Robert Firth.

(Description) From the disclaimer: "This audio book is an abridged version of the novelisation from the movie screenplay and does not contain the actors voices from the movie. Running time 200 minutes approx."

Published: 1995
ISBN: 1-86074-090-1
Price: $5-$30 (varying)
Mechanismo's Rating: 4/5
Availability: extremely rare

Judge Dredd The Junior Novelisation by Graham Marks.

In the year 2060 the world changed when an environmental accident left the planet scarred and in chaos. Out of the chaos grew three cities, and in those cities mew guardians brought order. The guardians became known as the Judges, and the greatest of them all was JUDGE DREDD.

Based on the action-packed thriller starring Sylvester Stallone, Judge Dredd is the story of the man and his battle against evil in Mega-City One.

Published: 1995
ISBN: 0-7522-0671-0
Price: £2.99
Availability: extremely rare

Judge Dredd Official Movie Adaptation by Andrew Helfer and Carlos Ezquerra.

In the Third Millennium, the world changed. Climate. Nations. All were upheaval. Humanity itself turned as violent as the planet. Civilization threatened to collapse. And then...a solution was found. The crumbling legal system was merged with the overburdened police, created a powerful and efficient hybrid. These new guardians of society had the power to dispense both justice and punishment. They were the police, jury, and executioner, all in one. They were...the JUDGES.

ISBN: 1-56389-245-6
Price: $5.95
Mechanismo's Rating: 3/5
Availability: abundant

The Making of Judge Dredd by Jane Killick, with David Chute and Charles M. Lippincott.

The Inside Story of the Action Movie of the Future

In 2060 the world changed; an environmental accident left climate and nations in upheaval and most of North America was destroyed. Out of the rubble grew three self-sufficient cities. In each of them order was brought to the chaos by a powerful hybrid created out of the crumbling legal system and overburdened police. The new guardians of society had the power to dispense both justice and punishment. They made the laws, they enforced the laws and they judged the law-breakers. They became known as the Judges and the greatest legend of all is Judge Dredd.

Based upon the internationally popular comic-book hero, Judge Dredd is a multi-million-dollar futuristic action thriller starring Sylvester Stallone as Judge Dredd.

From the first stroke of a comic book artist's pen to the last snip of the film editor's scissors, this is the complete story of the year's most visually stunning movie.

ISBN: 0-7522-0641-9
Price: £8.99, $15.95
Mechanismo's Rating: 4/5
Availability: average

The Art of Judge Dredd The Movie with the complete shooting script by William Wisher and Steven E. De Souza, and the production art of Nigel Phelps and team.

Judge Dredd, the motion picture, creates a whole new world on the screen for us to marvel at and this book allows us to be present at the creation.

As well as the complete shooting script, The Art of Judge Dredd contains exclusive reproductions of the work of production designer Nigel Phelps and of the gifted artists who were the film's original illustrators. It includes ingenious designs of the film's robots, vehicles and weapons. From the awesome dimensions of Mega-City One through Dredd's Lawgiver and the flying Lawmaster bikes and shuttles to Mean Machine, the half-human, half-mechanical psychopath, this stunning book is the ultimate companion to one of cinema's most visually exciting productions.

Published: 1995
ISBN: 07522-0666-4
Price: £12.99
Mechanismo's Rating: 5/5
Availability: extremely rare

A-Z of Judge Dredd by Mike Butcher.

Never seen before in one book, The A-Z of Judge Dredd is the complete guide to the Judge Dredd universe, detailing every major character, location and concept that comprise the Dredd mythology.

Each entry has a concise history/explanation of the character/concept, as well as full issue listings (where appropriate) or first appearance (such as City Block). Entries are categorized by the use of a colour code on the heading.

Published: 1995
ISBN: 0-600-58408-9
Price: £12.99, $15.95
Mechanismo's Rating: 5/5
Availability: average

Judge Dredd: The Mega-History by Colin M. Jarman and Peter Acton.

'Drokk it, creeps! This is the law and the law is Dredd! All that stands between you and a life stretch in an Iso-Cube is this book. It is the law of Dredd and by order of Justice Department, it is your duty as a citizen to read it, or face the full might of the law!'

This is the previously untold and controversial story behind the development, creation and evolution of the comic book legend Judge the words of the writers and artists who brought him and his violent world to life 18 years ago in 2000 AD.

A Judge's life is fast, brutal and short. Dredd is no ordinary Judge - but he is the law...and this is his story.

Published: 1995
ISBN: 1-85291-128-X
Price: £12.99
Mechanismo's Rating: 4/5
Availability: rare


Lobo/Judge Dredd: Psycho Bikers Vs The Mutants From Hell by Grant, Wagner, Semeiks, and Dell.

Yet another "Dredd meets another DC character" book, but in a totally different vein from the Batman series. Also featured is Mean Machine, who tags onto Lobo when he materialises in his iso-cube. The story's really more Lobo than Dredd, but at least Dredd's true to character, and as can be expected from a crossover, the plot is a little contrived. But funny!
Plenty of violence, good artwork and lots of big sound effects. The US edition is a nice mini-trade-paperback size. The UK edition is the Megazine-size, with a big black border surrounding every US-comic book sized page.

Published: 1995
ISBN: 1-56389-239-1
Price: £3.50 (approx.), $4.95
Mechanismo's Rating: 2/5
Availability: rare

Predator Versus Judge Dredd by Wagner and Alcatena.

In a violent, dystopian future, order is in the hands of the all-powerful Judges, heavily-armed supercops with the power to arrest and judge criminals - and pass sentence on the spot.

In Mega-City One, the Judges are the Law. But for the savage alien hunters known only as Predators, the only law is the hunt, and the Man is the game. And the most dangerous game is the toughest Judge of all, Judge Dredd.

Tonight in Mega-City One, the Law will prevail, but will it be the Law of the Judges or the Law of the Jungle?

A Dark Horse Comics Collection

Published: 1998
ISBN: 1-56971-345-6
Price: $2.95 each (series), $9.95 (TPB)
Mechanismo's Rating: 3/5
Availibility: abundant

Batman/Judge Dredd: Die Laughing by John Wagner, Alan Grant and art by Glenn Fabry, Jim Murray, and Jason Brashill.

It had been predicted that one day the Batman would help avert a terrible disaster in Judge Dredd's Mega-City One. Now, it seems that day has come! A ghoulish duplicate of the Joker has materialized in the city, intent on freeing from captivity the spirits of the four Dark Judges! Faced with the grim prospect of their greatest foes forming a deadly partnership, Batman and Judge Dredd must put aside their differences and team up one more time!

10,000 hedonists are sealing themselves inside the Megasphere, beginning new lives of unadulterated pleasure. But five gatecrashers are invading the party: the Joker and all four Dark Judges. Their mission: mass murder! Can even Batman and Judge Dredd triumph over such combined evil?

DC Edition

Published: 1998
ISBN: Direct Sales
Price: $4.95 each
Mechanismo's Rating: 4/5
Availability: abundant

Titan Books

Judge Dredd Paperbacks by Wagner, Grant and various artists.

Judge Dredd vs. The Dark Judges (Book 1)
No information available.

Judge Dredd vs. Otto Sump (Book 2)
Get Ugly! Dredd must deal with Mega-City One's wierdest (and ugliest!) entrepreneur, Otto Sump, whose disgusting stunts for making money can turn even a Judge's stomach. The flabbiest and funniest stories of all time. Contains reprints of Sob Story, The Ugly Clinic, Who Killed Pug Ugly?, Gunge, and Smart Sweets.

Published: 1987
ISBN: 1-85286-110-X
Price: £2.95
Availibilty: extinct

Judge Dredd vs. The Fatties (Book 3)
Forward the Fat! The buildings of Mega-City One shake, the pavements quake. Here they come, the league of Fatties; gross, guzzling gluttons dedicated to feeding their faces - at whatever cost. Dredd must get heavy to withstand the calorie crammed chaos.

Published: 1987
ISBN: 1-85286-111-8
Price: £2.95
Availability: extinct

Judge Dredd in Monkey Business (Book 4)
No One Apes the Law! When the city goes ape with citizens de-evolving, Dredd's up to his badge in monkey business. A hilarious collection of animal anrachy as the chimps try to make a chump out of Dredd.

Published: 1987
ISBN: 1-85286-112-6
Price: £2.95
Avaiability: extinct

Judge Dredd vs. The Midnight Surfer (Book 5)
Wipeout! The Supersurf Seven contest serves up trouble for Dredd when Chopper, the Midnight Surfer, cuts up the Law and makes a splash. For ol' Stoneface, Chopper's not a hero but a wave-topping wrecker who's got to be grounded! Contains reprints of Unamerican Graffiti and The Midnight Surfer.

Published: 1988
ISBN: 1-85286-120-7
Price: £2.95
Availibility: extinct

Hamlyn Books

Judge Dredd: Judgement Day by Garth Ennis, Carlos Ezquerra, Deam Ormston, Peter Doherty and Chris Halls.
'The bay a day will come when the dead tear down the gates of hell and make bloody way upon the living in the battle of Armageddon. The day is here - Judgement Day!'

Sabbat the Necromagnus is a black magician from the year 2178 AD, responsible for the deaths of two billion souls on the planet Bethsheda, He can revive the dead, turning them into a zombie army under his control. Wanted dead or alive, Sabbat escapes by travelling back in time to the year 2114, where he chooses a new world to slaughter: Earth.

Sabbat plans to turn the planet into a zombie factory, providing undead warriors for his dreams of conquest. Over the next seven days he will cause the deaths of three billion people on Earth. But Sabbat reckons without two foes - Judge Dredd and the mutant Johnny Alpha.

Dredd is the future's toughest lawman, who will go beyond his honour, duty and obsession in his quest for justice. Johnny Alpha is a Strontium Dog, a bounty hunter from Sabbat's own time sent back to save the future. These two have been enemies in the past. Now they must united to save the world from a genocidal maniac without mercy or honour!

Published: 1999
ISBN: 0-600-59970-1
Price: £14.99
Mechanismo's Rating: 4/5

Judge Dredd: Necropolis by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra.

The future's toughest lawman has resigned and taken the long walk into the radioactive wasteland beyond the walls of Mega-City One. But an undead enemy plans to transform the Big Meg into a city of the dead - a Necropolis!

The legendary lawman has been replaced by Kraken, a clone made from the same DNA as Dredd. Kraken was once part of a plot to overthrow the Judges - can he now be trusted? In the Cursed Earth, Dredd suffers a crippling psychic attack, leaving him hideously disfigured. As Mega-City One faces the greatest horror it has ever known, Dredd realises he must return or millions will die...

Published: 1998
ISBN: 0-600-59640-0
Price: £16.99
Mechanismo's Rating: 4/5

The 2000AD Links Project

This page was last read by Mechanismo XI on 2.5.2001 AD. It was originally published on the Internet by Iain Purdie.