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2000AD Readers Contact Network

Name: Wakefield Carter (
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Location: Oxford, England

Favourite artists: Ian Gibson and Carlos Ezquerra
Favourite writers: John Wagner
Least favourite writers: Undecided
Favourite strips: Judge Dredd, Dan Dare, Strontium Dog, Rogue Trooper, Robo-Hunter (original)
Least favourite strips: Big Dave, Space Girls, B.L.A.I.R. 1

Comment...I used to read old Eagle comics at my grandmother's house, hence my love of Dan Dare. I started reading 2000AD at Prog 16 after my parents banned me from reading Warlord for a year, though I stopped from 450 to 799 (until I realised that adults read comics too). Now I've completed my collection and branched out into other 2000AD/Judge Dredd/Dan Dare memorabilia.

Letters Published: 2000AD Progs 1118, 2000; Megazine 3/54

Name: Doug Chalmers (
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland

Favourite Artists: Kevin O'Neill, Carlos Ezquerra, Ian Gibson, Simon Bisley, Jim Murray.
Favourite Writers: Pat Mills, John Wagner, Alan Moore, Alan Grant, Dan Abnett.
Least Favourite Artist: Not sure, couple of Sinister & Dexter disasters come to mind though. Rian Hughes (new Sam Slade was awful, come back Ian Gibson)
Favourite strips: Nemesis (best ever), ABC Warriors, older Slaine, Sinister Dexter.
Least favourite strips: Kola Commandos (what was that all about?)

Comment: I first encountered the magazine which would shape much of my attitudes on Oct 14th 1978 (Prog 86). I'd been getting Starlord and only came across 2000AD when they merged. I stopped around 476 as I had the same idiotic thought at Wakefield. It wasn't till 1000 that I started bying it again after only buying the odd graphic novel. Since then I've collected the ones I missed (that was a long splendid summer, over 500 progs to read!!), and now I'm only missing 1-84 and a lot of cupboard space.

Letters published: Prog 1083 (my 1000th prog celebration) and more recently Prog 1148.

Name: Grainne Forde (
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Location: Coventry, West Midlands, England

Favourite artists: Dermot Power, Colin MacNiel, Ian Gibson, and Carlos Ezquerra
Favourite writers: John Wagner, Alan Grant
Least favourite writers: Mark Millar, Grant Morrison
Favourite strips: Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog, and Rogue Trooper (recent stories bored her)
Least favourite strips: Nikolai Dante, Space Girls, anything written by Fleischer, and Holocaust 12

Name: Steev Hopper (
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Location: Hounslow, London, England

Reading since prog: 1 (missing 33 issues)
Favourite artists: Carlos Ezquerra, Mike McMahon, Gary Erskine, S B Davis
Least favourite artists: Julian Gibson, Redondo, Casanovas, Siku
Favourite writers: Dan Abnett, John Wagner, Pat Mills, Grant Morrison, Alan Moore
Least favourite writers: Michael Fleischer, Gerry Finlay-Day
Favourite strips: Revere, Judge Dredd, Sinister Dexter, Slaine, Halo Jones, Vector 13
Least favourite strips: Space Girls, Blair One, Dry Run, Night/Beyond/Below Zero, "Friday" Rogue Trooper, all nineties revamps of 70s/80s strips except Robo Hunter.

Name: Chad Morgan aka The Inspectre (
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Marital status: Well, I wouldn't be too sure on that...
Living space: Formerly from Alberta, now residing in Vernon, BC, Canada
Nationality: Irish and Dutch, though I don't speak with an accent Occupation: data entry

Hobbies: reading comics (read 2000 AD since around 1983-84, iirc), darts, fishing, cruising around in the mountainous areas in my car ('Need for Speed III' was my inspiration ;-)) and heading down the border to Washington state for some fine recreation
Favorite art droid: Kevin Walker, Henry Flint, and perhaps S B Davis
Favorite strips: Judge Dredd in the Daily Star, Sancho Panzer (what an enormous tank), the earlier Sin Dex stories, Nikolai Dante (it actually has depth to it)

Name: Mike Patrick (
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Location: Plymouth, Devon, England

Fave artist: Brian Bolland
Fave writer: Alan Grant
Fave story: Dredd (when he was marshal of Lunar One)
Least fave story: Space Girls

Comment... I've been reading 2000AD since prog 1, after my parents banned me from reading Action because Hookjaw gave me nightmares!!!

Name: Barny Shergold (AKA Nikolai Dante) (
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Location: Baldock, Herts, England

Favourite artists: Dermot Power & Mark Harrison
Least favourite artist: Siku Favourite writers: Jury Still Out
Least favourite writers: Jury Still Out
Favourite strips: Nikolai Dante & Judge Anderson
Least favourite strips: Brigand Doom

Comment... Visit my shrine to the artists at Oh and when not reading 2000AD or working I like to Scuba dive & do musicals

Name: Miranda Thomas (AKA SpaceGirl, Mirri) ( ICQ 10058302)
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Location: Lancaster, Lancashire, England

Favourite artists: Mark Harrison
Favourite writers: Undecided
Least favourite writers: Undecided
Favourite strips: Durham Red
Least favourite strips: Sancho Panzer!

Comment... cant think of anything... oh! visit mysite *g* Oh whatever... put what you like up.

Name: Carl Thompson (
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Location: Birkenhead, The Wirral, Merseyside, England

Favourite artists: Carlos Ezquerra, SB Davies & Brian Bolland
Least favourite artists: Siku (I cant see the Hype)
Favourite writers: John Wagner and Alan Grant
Favourite strips: Rogue Trooper (Pre Friday), Strontium Dogs, Dredd (Of Course) Nikoli Dante and Sinister Dexter

Comment... I have been a reader since I was 15 with a couple of gaps. I have found that the recent stories have picked up and the previous lull (Space Girls Etc) have long been forgotten. I have always found the stories to be quite well balanced between humour and action, I have been enthralled and drawn into the world of Dredd as he has matured, been more lenient and even kissing a woman!! I am also glad that I have found this site and will become an avid visitor in the future.

Name: Andrew Troman (
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, England (Orig. Durham)

Favourite artists: Ian Gibson, and Carlos Ezquerra
Favourite writers: John Wagner, Alan Grant
Least favourite writer: Grant Morrison
Favourite strips: Judge Dredd, Slaine, Mean Arena, Ace Garp, Button Man, ABC Warriors (most of the early stuff)
Least favourite strips: The new attempts at Robo Hunter, Mean Arena, Rogue Trooper

Comment... I've been reading since Prog 1, collecting since about Prog 130 but stopped buying the comic not long after Necropolis finished; the story lines just didn't hold their weight for me anymore, but continued getting the odd copy here and there and filling in my collection blanks, graphic novels etc. As for my view of the movie, good action flick but just not Dredd...

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