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    The Friendship Page
     by JsJs
These are few of my  thoughts on romantic friendships
If you do like them, Email  me and I will post more
I must thank all of you for the sweet  comments
"I  am overwhelmed"
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Aug '99
 Look at me !!!  Look in to my eyes
!!  Look at me look in to my eyes
Can you see they say no lies

Touch my hand knead the bone
Never think of the time gone

Feel the breath heavy and hot
Fire and flames from my heart

Take my body savour the swell
Full of feeling in every cell

Read my mind the dreams inside
The rainbows where they reside

Kiss my soul wanton with pride
Soaked in love I can not hide

Ask no questions utter no word
Uneasy answers kill like sword

The world of love we both share
Need no words but feelings rare

Get inside my arms Oh my love!
Close your eyes to see it glow

Sep '99
 Cheer up my sweet friend
!!  Cheer up my sweet friend
Have no fears to fend
Life will certainly mend
You'll win in the end

Life is not always very kind
No need to trouble your mind
Luck is perhaps hard to find
Yet succumb not to the grind

Tend not bruises of the past
Only true love 'll ever last
Heed not to the words aghast
Only dry wound can heal fast

Life is not a game or gamble
Little to win in this ramble
Try not to speed or scramble
Haste always ends in shamble

Smile you can not amidst pain
Don't pretend nor try in vain
Cry if needed Clear the brain
Every cloud is meant for rain

Darker clouds burst very soon
Heat will cool after the noon
You will feel the dreamy moon
Life will again become a boon

Look ahead & never in the rear
Dark clouds are bound to clear
Set sails the breeze 'll stear
Take new wings Soar above fear

May '99
   Will the clouds burst ?

!! Why is it only you I keep wanting more
And my life is not any more like before

What is it my heart keeps on longing for
And nothing seems to matter sweet or sour

Alone in the night I scan the empty sky
To find any star that can mimic your eye

I wander in the gardens with colours galore
Feeling my way with the fragrances I adore

I search for a flower matching your smile
Amidst the pretty faces masked with guile

I wake up in the morning to bask in the sun
But the warmth is gone only the heat is on

How did you change all the world around me
I am a stranger to myself which no one see

Where do you vanish playing hide and seek
How will I find you getting tired and weak

Will the clouds burst and quench my thirst
And quell the heat blazing inside my chest

April '99
  I live in a different World
  With eyes closed, I live in a different world
Wake me not and shatter the dreams I hold

With lips closed, my heart cries your name
Soothe me not for, you will put me to shame

Hands tied, I reach out to embrace in arms
Your body and soul, full of gentlest charms

Free me not, I will only end up in more pain
Harm you I can not, You will find me in vain

I try and bury the volcanos of raw passion
And get burnt down by lightnings of emotion

Find me not, and end the spell cast on my soul
For you stand no chance against spirits so foul

Follow me not for, my path is truly untrodden
Perched with perils that are better forgotten

I wait for an  ice age to douse the unholy fire
Of selfish jealousy, madness, and ill gotten ire

Perhaps a new deluge to cleanse us once again
Of petty faiths and beliefs that mar love's reign

New rivers to feed parched hearts across lands
And nurture love everywhere even in desert sands

I dare not let you in, for only troubles you'll find
I will always love you, because you are my friend

April '99
 Thinking of  You

  Thought I could wrap these up 
       and keep them safe and near 
!The warm thoughts that came 
     with the wishes of one so dear 

Was looking for a box made of 
     solid gold, gems and diamonds 
Suited to store the rare jewels 
     from rich heart of a friend 

Hoped to save them for the chilly 
     winters when gardens go dry 
Precious feelings that could 
     thaw any ice and give out joy 

Just a few words I was reading 
     and savouring the warm core 
Smiling and pausing long with a 
     bewitched heart wanting more 

Little did I realize that there was 
     nothing much left to store 
All of it had seeped into my soul 
    leaving only a blank to stare

What a better place to treasure
     than my heart for your thoughts
Or else I am more than sure my
     life would come to naught

Dec '98 Deep inside You know

! Suddenly and  from nowhere emerges a rainbow
Charging the vast  horizons with glitter and glow

It's a sparkle of colours from the prism of thoughts
Rays of warmth meeting moist feelings of the heart

The empty spaces inside the heart, for  long barren
Deserts of the past turn into gardens from heaven

Blossoms lost in smile with new radiance n the eyes
Feelings filled with fresh fragrance all the while

Passions wake up; lightning strikes from the clouds
Stirring storms as droplets rush to meet waiting buds

Moods change in a flash with moments of pain and joy
Anxious clouds fight the sunshine still holding sway

The heart heaves with beats and vibes of strange kind
Deep inside you know that you have met a new friend

 Dec '98 Sweet.......... Nothings!

! Like the stars in the sky
There is a twinkle in the eye

It was just a word half said
Perhaps, a gesture not so loud

A flicker so small, you think will die
Until it blazes and sets you on fire

It brims up from the bottom of an ocean
Like passionate waves in endless motion

Wish you could ride the tide and reach ashore
Soon it dawns you've never been here before

Its a whole new feeling, foggy but fresh
kindling your thoughts as it grows

Deep inside you know, some one above all things
Had just uttered a few special sweet nothings

Jan '99 Missing  My Rainbow

! The scene was straight out of  childhood story books
Dreams woven in daylight with vivid and real looks

I was climbing up the mountain tracks laden with snow
Glistening  in the silvery rays of the soft sun above

Glowing with the motherhood of droplets ready for birth
Sweet little new born water streams chirping with mirth

Evergreens holding shining bouquets in outstretched arms
Girding the contours like ornaments of fairy tale dames

Wish I could paint the drama  sun brought on the scene
Changing moods through clouds and  meandering greens

It was a romance of myriad kinds between sun and snow
Overwhelming the vast spans inspiring a sense of awe

My body shivered, yet there was great warmth in the chill
But, the picture was incomplete, something missing still

The  horizon  looked so empty, why I did not know?
The vacuum was  inside me, I was missing my own rainbow

Feb '99 The Rain Drops Love Story

! Shaped like pearls, shining diamonds
Translucent crystals showered by rain

Trickle through  trees, as if to music
Caressing leaves with touches of magic

Lucky ones fall on  bosoms of passion
Of blossoms dressed up in high fashion

A few stay longer in prolonged embrace
Many fall by way side, losing the race

The journey was long, stricken by storms
Thunder and lightning envying the romance

Swept by  winds, struck against rocks
Losing heart, hitting man made blocks

Not all get to hug even the lowly grass
Meeting dirt and dust  end in morass

Seeping into the soil feeding life on route 
Slipping underground waiting for the root

Some start a new journey towards sea
Flirting all the way with what ever it be

Tears at the end turn the ocean into brine
Churning storms yearning for the sun shine

Swirling restlessly, rising into endless waves
For the hot sun to  free the heart that heaves

To be back with the brethren among clouds
And begin all over again  the search for beloveds

The journey  of raindrops is a story of love
Full of endless pursuits to be one with life

Watching the romantic scions of  sun  and sea
My heart melts down thinking of  you and me

These are my original works. You may use it for all non commercial purposes
by acknowledging the author "JsJs"
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