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Welcome to Anbumani's home page


This is my old webpage and not updated after 1999.
Visit my other recent webpage for an update.

I am Anbumani Subramanian.
I come from Tiruvannamalai (or Thiruvannamalai), a small town
in Tamilnadu, India, located at about 200 kilometers from Chennai (earlier Madras).

I am a graduate student in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
at Virginia Tech, located in Blacksburg, Virgnina.
I worked in IBM for 3 years.

I had my school education in Danish Mission Higher Secondary School, Tiruvannamalai.
I graduated from Coimbatore Institute of Technology, as an Electrical and Electronics engineer, in 1996.

My interests :

My other pages:

Last updated : 26th November 1999. Since 6th July, 1997 you are counterth visitor.
