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Part 28

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


"Darien...Darien...please stay with me, I need you..." Serena sobbed in a hushed tone. "Ami, is there anything we can do? We have to help him..."

Ami put her hand on Serena's shoulder. "He has a good chance of making it if we can find our way out of here and to a hospital. That dagger's in deep. so there's not much we can do."

"Is there any way out of here?"

"I'm working on that now. Don't worry Serena, we'll make it, we always have."

"You're right, Ami, thank you."


In the shadows on the other side of the room Malachite still lay unconscious. Unbeknownst to him or anyone, he was teleported to a black void.

"Malachite, Malachite wake up," said a dark voice.

Slowly Malachite opened his eyes and saw before him an evil shadow. "Queen Metallia?" he asked cautiously.

"Ah, so you do know me Malachite..."

Yes, of course my liege," he bowed humbly before her.

"I have a job for you, but also in doing so you'd be helping yourself. I need the power of the Silver Imperium Crystal so that I may have my full powers back. But to do so you will need Beryl's strength and more, which I can give you. This power should be enough to take your love back as well..."

Malachite's eyes flared with excitement. "I will do this for you, Queen Metallia.

Metallia chuckled, shooting a beam of energy in to Malachite's forhead, "I though you would."


"Serena," Ami said in a cheerful tone, "I've found a way out of here!"

"You did? That's terrific!"

"How's Darien holding up?"

A small sound came from Darien's throat.

"I...I think he's starting to come to..." Serena looked down at Darien and lovingly caressed his cheek. "Darien?"


"Yes Darien, I'm here, do you think you can get up and walk a little?"

"Ye--yeah, with some help..."

"Ok, we're going to go home now," she said helping him to his feet.

"No you're not," came a voice from the shadows, "You're not going anywhere."

~End Part 28~

Uh-oh... not again... Anyone else getting a creepy sense of deja vu? So now what? Is Malachite really gonna be stronger than Sailor Moon? Stay tuned!!! **cues the dramatic foreboding music**

HELLO!!!! **group huggles** Didja miss me? I missed all of you! Vacation was a blast, but there's no place like home ^^ I hate to run off again, but I have to... see you guys later! Ja ne!!! ^_^
