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KoTL ClanPage
Well the world is turning and we are on the ride of our lifes. We as Humans are trying to expand our reaches on the worlds we know and want. The human or Terans as they are called are outcasted humans who were kicked off their home planet Earth. They are all Conferates who have a weird southern accents, big guns, and a beer in their hands at all time. Unknown to them a wise and old race of people are watching and learning about them. They are the "Protoss" a wise and honorable race of alien who's whole meaning of life is the obtain of perfection, and greatness. The whole race excels at everything and anything they do But their pride is their greatness strenght and weakness, their soiety was broken when some of their people decided that they try to find and use the dark powers they knew existed but never used because of it's connection with the dark side. Then their is the Zerg a bug like animal that was created by a old race that seemed to have died. The Zerg have away of infesting another species and and incorporate them into their army. Their whole species is mindless except for a few who consist of the Overmind(The Master, the head of them all) , Overlords(the drill sergeant) and Cerebrates(Generals) They are determined to control the all the worlds and the species that live on them. The whole story starts when They infest a Terrans world, and kill the inhabits of this unlucky world. The Protoss who was watch the whole event decided that they could not let the zerg spread any more. The Conclave ordered Tassadar a high raking Protoss to destroy the planet and it inhabit(both zergs and terrans). The planet was but a easy target and was destroyed without trouble. The Conferated the basically goverment out there was angered. They confronte the Honourable Tassadar and he told them of the Zerg that was living on the planet and the whole planet was covered in spores that was soon to hatch and take over the planet. That is were the story ends and u take over and decide the fated of theses three races. Also if you are smart you can uncover the secrets and evil plotting that hides in this strange meeting. JOEL BIE
Kotl Clan page
Terrans Battle Cruisers
Protoss Machines of War

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