Parker City
November 2015
Events and Happenings

Large wet flakes for a while but just a little coating on the grass however

But Was Enough To Affect the Football Games.

So Many Perfect Days For This Time of Year

This lil guy sat and watched my every move as I was working next to him
And I watched his every move too. Mid November, he's lucky to still be alive.

Takin Advantage of The Nice Day To Make Repairs

While Others Used it For Other Things

And Here is Proof

But the "forecast" box not looking to good.

Always Like Those Late Day Holiday Jobs

Power company set a pole right through a sewer line. But Culy's, "the big boys with the big toys"
were passing through town from a job and saved us again, they dig the deep hole and we cleaned up.

No Weekends Off 24/7
These Guys and Gals Are Out Nearly Every Day and/or Night

and some days or nights multiple times.

Winding Down The Fall Chores