Parker City
December 2014
Events and Happenings

Wishing All A

And Entrance to Parker City seconds that.

Hopefully the Last Water Leak for several months or until it warms up.

Fixing in short sleeves. Still lookin for a last Dec 23rd picture to compare.

A Wild Slide at the Park.
And I dont mean the red one.

A Mustang sideways and under the fence then clipping a tree, 3am.

Santa Made His Pre-Christmas Visit With the Fire Dept.

S. Main east side.

Nearly gone.

Not bad considering

decorated in full sunlight.

Downtown Christmas Tree

Needed some trimming

Chain saw not bothering him.

He came flying down the sidewalk between the cars and the Tavern about 6 off the ground and rose to the top of the pole.
Anyone leaving the tavern would have had to duck or get hit.
Maybe he recognized his tree had been moved.

Beggers cant be choosers.

A little more shaping and decorations and it will be perfect.

The Full Treatment

Shingles AND roof.

Annual Tower Inspection.

Brians back.

Maybe I should find a less busy place to watch him.

Meet Brian

No Wind and Cold

Am glad 2014 about over.

Its been hard on our houses.