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Why waste time? If you just want to know what happened to Dwu it's here.
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Your host, Dwu Axetoe --thirteenth son of the first Pathfinder of the Bear Clan, welcomes you.

Dwu has retired...he'll not respond. "Tis naught but fishin anna relaxin frem now on fer dis ol' Dwarf!"

There's no longer any reason to work on this site.

Ale's on th cupboard, tobacky in the tin.

Sit. Drink. Sing us a song.

We welcome all clans.

Other helpful tomes fer Dwarfs:

Wot do fiters talk about? - Thanx to Dracoblood

This many folks         have visited.

Email: Dwu.the.dingy.dwarf-- Oddly enough, you can still email me at this address!