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This is where I go to college, it's called Purdue University of Technology at New Albany, it's located in the basement of the Physical Sciences building at Indiana University Southeast (IUS). I really like it here, we have a lot of fun. I think one reason I like it more is because IUS is a fairly small college as it is so the Purdue Programs is even smaller and it let's you get to know your classmates and teachers a lot more than you would at the main Purdue campus.

This is how most of the days are, In the picture is Terry O'conner and Rusty Lee. Terry is one of my EET professors and with it being a small class we are able to talk about class material or to just share stories of things that happening or happened in out lives. I believe Terry is probably one of the best teachers I've ever had and one of my good friends.

Another picture of Terry and speaking of EET, that is what I'm majoring in, it stands for Electrical Engineering Technology. It is a lot of math and science(mostly physics). I'm not really too sure how to explain what it is so I'll just use how they put it. "Electrical Engineering Technology offers a broad curriculum in such areas as automated testing, microprocessors, controls, power systems, electrical machinery, analog and digital electronics, electrical and electronic troubleshooting, and instrumentation. Extensive laboratory instruction makes graduates job-ready as electrical/electronic engineering technicians who can analyze, construct, test, troubleshoot, and maintain complex electrical and electronic equipment." In other words if it has electricity in it, I'm the man. Since it's not the main Purdue campus we are very limited in choosing class times and stuff like that and the main reason they made this extension was for older people in this area who wanted to get their degree so a lot of my classes are in the upper afternoon and at night, which doesn't bother me cause I'm definitely not a morning person.

This is Sandy Hammond, she's the Student Personnel Coordinator. She handles all the student financial aid, makes sure you have all the classes you're going to need and is pretty much our connection to the main campus. She's really great and has a personality that makes you smile. I sometimes think I'd be lost without her.

In my field we do a LOT of lab work, this picture shows from left to right Joe Amy, Chet Brock and Coy Stepro doing one of our MANY lab assignments, well, at least Joe and Coy are. Although most everybody in our class especially me doesn't have much room to talk cause we all slack off or goof around from time to time, and when the classes are 3 hours long you need that goof off time. Like Rusty here trying to acting like he's Terry.....

Here's another picture of our lab work, this is Brad, the highly dedicated student.

Along with Terry the other EET professor is Nghia Le

He's a real character and always has something to say to try to either make you laugh or just to kid around. I can't really remember where he's from but he doesn't speak English the best so it's sometimes kind of hard to tell what he's saying, but that's ok. I have a lot of fun in his classes and really learn a lot even though sometimes I feel like screaming.  I've really learned a lot from Terry and Le and they're 2 of the most influential people in my lives.  And even though I've graduated with my associates and won't be taking any classes with them again for a while I still feel like I can stop by anytime just to talk.





It's a really great place and a good thing to look into, the website is for more information.

