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This is my games page and Yes! I was this bored.......but anyways, hope ya enjoy!

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StarCraft - It's a real-time strategy game and Computer Gaming World's strategy game of the year. It has a great story to it and is easy to get hooked on. It comes with 10 levels for each type of species (terrans, protoss and zerg) for a total of 30 levels and also a campaign editor to make your own. You can also download new custom levels off of the Blizzard entertainment website. There is also multi player support over, IPX for LAN users, and modem play, so it is a game definitely a game worth buying even if your not a big strategy game person it will make you one.

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Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3D - It's an action game and it lives up to it too, it has 16 playable levels and three other levels that are accessible by completing all 16 previous missions with a certain medal that is received by completing certain limits such as time, accuracy, etc. As far as ships are concerned you are able to fly the X-wing, A-wing, V-wing, Y-wing, Speeder, Millennium Falcon, and an Imperial Tie Fighter. You can even drive an AT-ST with a certain code. When starting a mission you are only able to fly one ship and others are unlocked for that mission after completing a chapter (4 in all). One thing that makes this game fun is it's wide boundaries that lets you fly where you want without keeping you confined in a small area. The Glide and Direct 3D support make for stunning graphics when flying through the debris of a tie fighter that you just annihilated. It is an excellent game with an excellent story plot and very much worth having in your collection.

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NASCAR Revolution - This is more of a NASCAR arcade game more than a simulation like other titles such as NASCAR Racing. It has one of the best 3D graphics of any NASCAR game out. It has a show room finish on the cars and the tracks couldn't be more life like. You can race as any of your favorite Winston Cup drivers on any of the circuit tracks. Also included is a "Garage Area" where you can customize your car to handle better or worse. It also has announcer voice add-in's and crew chief and spotter advice throughout the game, which can all be turned off at your will. Also the pit-stops are excellently done. It's a game that you'd have to play for yourself to actually appreciate the work put into it.

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NFL Blitz - This no rules football game is unlike any other. What other games do you know that will let choke slam the quarterback after crippling sack?? The only thing is that the computer becomes what seems a little unfair as the time runs down and the computer is losing. It seems as though you through more interceptions or get more fumbles. Other than that the graphics are excellent and game play just keeps ya wanting to come back to give and receive more punishment.

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The Need For Speed Series - Need For Speed, Need For Speed SE, Need For Speed II, Need For Speed II SE, Need For Speed III and Need For Speed: High Stakes are the best race car series out. Each one features exotic and fantasy cars and up to date graphics from the times that it was developed. Also included in NFS III is a feature to let you download new cars straight for the Electronic Arts website. Also the newly released Need For Speed: High Stakes let's you race for money to buy and upgrade cars and also shows optional car damage and affects your performance as you get more damage. The new High Stakes also has most of the characteristics from NFS III but with improved graphics. Must buys for the race car game enthusiast

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Half-Life - This game carries the same theme as mostly all other first-person shooters before it's time, except on steroids. It has excellent 3D graphics and one of the best story plots that I have ever seen in it's genre. It has an very cool line up of available weapons, which my personal favorite is the crowbar. It was also given Computer Gaming World's Game of the Year Award. If you like first person shooters in any way you will greatly enjoy Half-Life.

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Duke Nukem 3D - One of the classic first-person shooters, Duke Nukem 3D delivers decent graphics and the an all right story plot, but what makes Duke Nukem 3D stand out from the others is it's personality. From "Let's Rock!" to "Your head, your ass, what's the difference", Duke Nukem 3D allows the player to relieve a little held in stress on cops mutated into pigs (fits, I think) and other aliens. It also has a fun selection of weapons of which to choose. All in all, it may not be the best looking games, but it will always be a classic.

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Motocross Madness - This dirt bike racing game is sure to be one the best on the market. It has stunning graphics and an exceptional amount of game play options. These options range from racing against opponents on a dirt track to earning points for completing tricks in a canyon. There's nothing more fun than completing a jump after being in air for about 30 seconds with your legs over the handle bars. It's also just as fun watching the rider completely flying off the bike when you don't complete it. It also has a tournament mode that let's you battle it out for the championship. But believe me, it is way to tempting to just give it hell and try your luck at doing a trick and risk losing spot in the race.

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Balls of Steel - Just as the box says, this is pinball on steroids and it means it. It has all the fun of a normal computer pinball game, but it has a lot of animated parts and excellent sound. It has 5 different boards you can choose from, Duke Nukem, Fire storm, Mutation, Dark side, and Barbarian. For hitting certain points it unlocks interesting games and fun video modes. It is a inexpensive game that is an excellent addition for a break from your other arcade games.

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Links LS 1998 Edition - This golf game could be singly the best sports golf game out. Not only are the graphics so real that you could hold a picture to it, the game play is also as life like with all the frustration as if you were playing real life. The background animations are sometimes a little jumpy but everything else makes up for it. Even if you get tired of playing the same old courses, you can buy new ones for a fraction of the price of the game. It also features multi player options that allows you to play over, TCP/IP and modems connection. It is an excellent game for when you have a little extra time to play a short nine or a full eighteen holes.

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