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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


God, Bible, Jesus ... team purpose as a student of Christ

Do You Want To Be A Student Or A Fan?

        What makes a baseball player, or a football player, or a basketball player, or a musician? ... or a Christian? Sitting for several hours a week and listening to one person attempt to teach them their very own personal opinions on how to be a player, or a musician, or a Christian? And continuing, week after week, after week, to give that person money to pay off a building while paying its monthly expenses and providing that person a lifestyle that is more than a cut above that of those who listen to that person? A person who unlawfully interjects themselves into your life as the only mediator between you and the only true authority who has the wisdom and judgment and justice to properly guide your life? A person who gives lip service and tribute to that recognized true authority but lives a lifestyle that is totally opposed to what that authority is on record as having said and done? And who teaches you to practice this same aberrant lifestyle by recognizing him as your only authority and your overseer? And to become a subordinate, as a lackey or slave in his organization in order to provide him with further aggrandizement? A person who continually threatens you with horrible consequences if you dare to stop giving him money, or leave his organization, or question anything he says or does, or not attend his meetings every time his building door is open? The answer is obvious, isn’t it? If it’s not obvious to you, then you need serious counseling in all areas of your life, starting with a reality check. If you have all your facilities and senses intact, your answer should be a resounding “No!” In fact, if you think that type of relationship is normal, you are not normal and you are not a player, or a student, you are only a fan, a spectator. To go from spectator to participant, you have to get involved in the process of becoming a player, a musician, or a Christian and participate each and every day. You must maintain healthy habits for your body, soul and spirit and you must adhere to a discipline that has been proven to be successful. You also have to look to those who have been successful in their endeavors to be the best that they can be, don’t you?
        If you have a problem with what I’ve said about the institutional church system, check out the many articles about it on this web site. You will find the scriptural support for my statements.
        Here are some of the factors necessary to become and be a player or musician ... or a Christian.
        1. Inform yourself and learn the things you and your team must become and be.
        2. Know the necessary structure for your team to function effectively.
        3. Know the intended purpose of your team.
        4. Know how your team will achieve its purpose.
        5. Know your team.
        6. Become a student, not just a fan. Forget the fanaticism. Be a student, a learner.
        7. Practice until you know what skills and abilities are necessary, and which of those you have and those you don’t have.
        8. Know who the greatest known players are and learn from them.
        9. Continue to practice until you learn the skills and abilities you are weak in. You are a team player, not a one man band. If you become known as the weakest link in that team then you are a liability to that team, not an asset.
        10. All of these factors must become part of you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for you to become and be a player or a musician ... or a Christian.
        How you gonna do it? By maximizing your resources, minimizing your restrictions and consciously pushing for better results with a changed lifestyle that reflects what you are practicing to become.
        Under 1, “Inform yourself and learn the things you and your team must become and be,” you have to know the desired results before you can make daily progress towards it, don’t you? If you don’t know your destination then all you’ll do is travel around in circles. Like the Old Testament Jews in the wilderness for 40 years. First you must recognize you are a global team player in the kingdom of God. Your purpose is to become as much like Jesus Christ as you can be. You won’t learn that from the institutional church system, or by attempting to duplicate what others are doing. When you lose focus on Jesus, you have lost your eternal perspective. Your focus will then gradually come to focus on “now” instead of eternity. That “now focus” will eventually become your flesh. Yours and others. You must become like Jesus and be like Jesus.
        Under 2, “Know the necessary structure for your team to function effectively,” there is a structure that God has given us in the New Testament. That of the home ekklesias. That’s another thing you have to do is to stop living in the Old Testament. Read and study the New Testament and the anti-types and substance there and then look to the Old Testament for the types and shadows that have been fulfilled in the New Testament. The institutional church system is focused upon and attempts to imitate the Old Testament. They call their building “the house of God.” Read your bible—you are the house of God! They call the front of the place inside an “altar.” That’s Old Testament terminology. They talk about a “tithe.” That’s an Old Testament law given by God to the Jews. Unless you are an Israelite, and own land in Israel, and raise crops or livestock you have nothing to “tithe.” They talk about a “covering.” That’s not Old Testament or New Testament. It’s a figment of a group of persons imaginations known as the “Fort Lauderdale Five” who instituted the practice of “shepherding” and “covering” and who also later recanted of having started that junk. They publically apologized and admitted their error. But the religious zealots saw a chance to extend their manipulation and intimidation to control the gullible saints. If you bought into it’s way past time to read your Bible. It’s really strange that these self-established hirelings, wolves in sheeps clothing, teach that we are under grace and not the law and then continue to live in the Old Testament and teach, practice and perpetuate the traditions of men. I have many articles on what a true home ekklesia is, and what it’s not. This ties in with 1, above, in that you must learn what you and your team must become and be. It has absolutely nothing to do with the institutional church system. It has to do with what God has told us in the Bible—and in the original languages. Yes, you’ll have to study to find that out, won’t you?
        Under 3, “Know the intended purpose of your team,” God has an eternal purpose. Again this has nothing to do with the institutional church system. Read Ephesians where Paul the apostle made it perfectly clear what God’s eternal purpose is. He will accomplish His eternal purpose through the ekklesias which are described in the New Testament. Quite frankly, if you don’t get with God’s program, then you aren’t part of His ekklesia and He will achieve His eternal purpose without you.
        Under 4, “Know how your team will achieve its purpose,” this all ties in with 1, 2 and 3, doesn’t it? Until you become as the New Testament ekklesias you won’t achieve anything of eternal value.
        Under 5, “Know your team,” you won’t get to know your team by attending an institutional church system “service” for several hours a week. However, in a biblical home ekklesia you will get to know all the members there as you share with them, socialize with them and when you help support those in need until they are self-supporting. Somewhere in the institutional church system the fatherless, widows, strangers/travelers in the land and the true “spiritual Levites” have been forgotten or ignored, haven’t they?
        Under 6 “Become a student, not just a fan. Forget the fanaticism. Be a student, a learner,” we have a whole bunch of people who nominally name the name of Christ, but in reality are only fans: enthusiastic followers of entertainment Christianity and admirers of Jesus Christ as a famous historical person who worked miracles, even proclaiming they are fanatic for Jesus! They are attracted to the supernatural, or spiritual, element of Christianity, hoping to satisfy the God-created vacuum inside of them (which can only be filled by God Himself) by affiliating with those who they think are “spiritual” power-houses. That’s not Christianity, folks, all that is simply a fantasy to fulfill a hidden desire for a “super-person” to save them from the bad guys in this world. It’s Superman and Captain Marvel (remember him?) and the good guy in the western movies with the white hat on the white horse shooting up the guys with the dark hats on dark horses. The contemporary heroes are even more fantastic, e.g., The Terminator. The original Matrix is another, with its New Age religious message which many seem to think portrays Christianity. (So, there, I said it.) All of this is religious fantasy-land with its many fans. What it isn’t is true biblical Christianity. Where are the disciples of Jesus? Those who learn of Jesus, follow Jesus, support Jesus, and imitate Jesus? Quit kidding yourselves, you are following the traditions of men and making the word of God of none effect with this contemporary pseudo-Christian fantasy lifestyle. You think God doesn’t know? You think you won’t answer to Jesus on that day that you stand before Him? Again, time for a reality check, isn’t it?
        Under 7, “Practice until you know what skills and abilities are necessary, and which of those you have and those you don’t have,” you have natural abilities, learned skills and supernatural gifts from God. As you continue to interact with a local ekklesia that’s meeting in somebody’s home as the Holy Spirit prompts, you will have ample opportunity to share those abilities, skills and gifts with the others there. It will become a matter of practicality, not some parlor trick entertainment session to prophesy to each other and lay empty hands on empty heads and fall down all over the place. God is not a Hollywood fantasy comic script writer—He and His word are holy, holy, holy! Those gifts God has given you will begin to function in a way you never realized, particularly as you help support those in need until they can become self-supporting. You will fit in with that local ekklesia as will the others, to be an effective force for the kingdom of God—if you will allow the Holy Spirit of God to lead the group.
        Most people, however, have no idea of what the Bible says about the structure and purpose of a home ekklesia and instead attempt to start an institutional church system, with the same mindset, in their home and call it “home church.” The examples we have in the New Testament make it clear that a true home ekklesia is simply Christian families (disciples of Jesus as defined above) who meet as a family. The only one in charge is the Holy Spirit of God. There are elders/overseers/bishops/pastors/shepherds (they are all one and the same) who are in the background and available to be called on for advice and decisions when necessary. These older folks will have been recognized by the people in the meetings as such, i.e., the people there know that they are servant/leaders and have measured them against the standards of scriptural maturity. They are not self-appointed. They are not youngsters. There will also be younger folks there who are the “deacons” and who do the physical stuff that the older folks can’t do anymore because of their age. The main focus is “one anothering” and truly fellowshipping by sharing, socializing and supporting those in need until they can become self-supporting.
        I have written a lot about the subject of “home church” in articles on this web site.
        Under 8, “Know who the greatest known players are and learn from them,” Who is Greater than Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, as our example? Then there is Paul the apostle. Do you really know what Jesus taught us? Do you really know what Paul taught us? Sure you can quote memorized verses from 17th century English translations from another country, but do you know what that text really means in the original languages? You will never, ever, become a true team player as long as you continue to argue among yourselves as to what the Bible really says, will you? Our unity must be based upon the truth of God’s word. Agreement upon the truth of God’s word is the only truth which can bring true unity to the body of Christ. Then we can love one another as Jesus commanded us. And reproduce disciples in the likeness and image of Jesus. Then we can truly fellowship as God intended, sharing, socializing and supporting those in need. And taking care of the fatherless, widows, strangers/travelers in the land and the “spiritual Levites” among us. That’s how we will (and we will because the Bible says so—and it will be done with or without you) achieve God’s eternal purpose of bringing all things in heaven and earth together in one, in Christ. That’s how we will display the manifold wisdom of God to the principalities and powers in the heavenlies.
        Why do some of you think that you have a better way than what God said in His word?
        Under 9, “Continue to practice until you learn the skills and abilities you are weak in. You are a team player, not a one man band. If you become known as the weakest link in that team then you are a liability to that team, not an asset,” we are all human beings and we all have weaknesses. That’s why God’s ekklesia is a team, not a one man band as is demonstrated by the institutional church system. Do you want to be a weak link? And uninformed as to what you and your team must become and be, not knowing the necessary structure to function effectively, not knowing the purpose of the team (actually, God’s purpose), or how to achieve that purpose? Not knowing your fellow team members, just making yourself known as a radical follower of entertainment Christianity and a fanatic for Jesus Christ, i.e., a fan, but not a student of Jesus, not knowing your God-given abilities, skills and gifts, not really understanding what Jesus and Paul have said (no, I’m not equating Paul with Jesus), trying to be a one man band because that’s what you see being taught and practiced in the institutional church system? Do you want to be a liability in the cause of Christ, rather than an asset to the God Who created you?
        Under 10, “All of these factors must become part of you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for you to become and be a player or a musician ... or a Christian,” there are no “Weekend Warriors” in the kingdom of God. What we have today is a bunch of anemic, sick, emaciated and malnourished “weakened warriors.” You are either committed and dedicated to your Creator, God, Redeemer, Lord and Saviour or you are just another fan, sitting in the stadiums, watching the action on the field. As such you will never become a player, a musician ... or a Christian.
        Here are some other ideas:
        1. Bible training to learn genuine Bible theology.
        2. Learning the signs and marks of the cults. You will have to know the genuine Bible teachings to recognize these counterfeit traits. But don’t study the cults, study the genuine and you will easily recognize the cults. Especially those that are among you.
        3. Learn apologetics, i.e., what you really believe and why you believe it. Learn something new each and every day of your life. Learn to focus in on the big picture of the kingdom of God and what His purpose is, rather than focusing so much on the “feel-good” details. Those emotions can only go so far in real life. Don’t allow yourself to become angry, receive an offense (thus becoming an offense), feel rejected or be a people pleaser. Those unsaved in the world are looking at you and listening to you much more than you think. The more you learn, the stronger your team will be. Listen to those who have more time in the faith than you have and interpret their criticism as being constructive in making you a better disciple of Jesus Christ.
        4. Forget all the “How To ...” programs and teachings you’ve gotten over the years. You are a unique individual and you must convey that individuality with your very own thoughts put into words that others can understand. And, no, this is not a “How To ...” list either. I hope to stir you into action, not give you another “How To ...” list.
        5. Your Bible study with Greek and Hebrew concordances and older commentaries is for your benefit, not more memorization to quote to somebody along with the King James Version texts. Get those studies ingrained deep in your spirit and soul so that when the teachable moment arrives in your contact with others, you can simply automatically speak with conviction and power. Remember this, that the power of the Holy Spirit of God will aid you to speak that which is most meaningful in any given situation. Your desire to override those promptings of the Holy Spirit by continuing to quote memorized scripture and studies quenches His power and reduces your spiritual witness to a state of human fleshly ineffectiveness.
        6. There are myriads of Bible versions and translations and biblical studies. Get to know as many as you possibly can. The more you know, the more the Holy Spirit has to work with when you witness for God.
        A short history of the Bible shows that the Wycliff English Bible is dated at 1382, The Tyndale Bible, 1525, the Coverdale Bible, 1535, The Rogers Bible in 1537, the Great Bible in 1539, the Geneva Bible in 1560, and the Bishops Bible in 1568.
        When the King James Version first came out it had a preface in the front entitled “The Translators to the Reader.” In this preface the translators talked about what they believed about Bible translations. Just plug the name into any search engine on the internet and search for it if you want to read it for yourself. It’s long, hard to read and in archaic English. But if you persist in reading it you find that the KJV translators believed the authority of scripture was in the originals,. Today we have reconstituted what the originals said by the many copies in existence. The translators also believed that translators (including them) were not inspired by God to translate the Bible. The translators also did not believe in condemning other versions. Interesting to note, they believed all translations were the word of God. They made a valid analogy in that the King’s speech, when translated into another language, is still the King’s speech. They even defended the worst translations of the Bible!
        They also noted that Jesus and His Apostles did not denounce bad translations, stating that the Septuagint (Greek) Version “was faulty in many places. It descended from the original and did not come near it in grandeur and majesty.” They thought it was a bad translation, but then said “Yet which of the apostles did condemn it? Condemn it! Nay! They used it.” So Jesus and His Apostles didn’t only not condemn the Septuagint Version of the Bible, faulty as it was, they actually quoted out of it and used it.
        The King James Translators also believe in constantly updating the language of translations, not because the text changes, but because language changes. For example, in the King James Version there are over 800 obsolete words. The translators also said their purpose was not to make a new translation, but simply to utilize existing translations and attempt to make them more readable. No inspiration, only hard work and perspiration ...
        The King James Translators also believed in making note of variations in translations of some words by making notes in the margin. They also believed that the different translations didn’t affect basic true biblical doctrine. If a verse or passage is mistranslated the Bible is still clear, in its entirety, on all the doctrines.
        The King James Translators also said a “variety of translations is profitable for the finding out of the sense of the Scriptures ...” They believed the Bible should be in the most up-to-date language: “But we desire that the Scripture may speak like itself, as in the language, that it may be understood even of the very vulgar.”
        Modern translations reflect the discovery of yet even more copies of manuscripts that offer further clarification as to the intent of the writers. Some people complain that some of the verses in the King James Version are left out of modern translations. That’s because those particular verses or passages have been found to not have been in the originals. As a matter of fact, if you really want to study the subject of Bible versions and translations, you will discover that many words that are in the originals don’t appear in the King James Version!
        God has given us a message in the written Bible. He has also given us a brain that is to be used logically and intelligently. While we may have a passion and enthusiasm for a particular translation that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is a logical and intelligent rationalization. Sure, it’s rough to find out that the Bible you read doesn’t reflect what was originally said, but that’s growth and we have to have some flexibility and a love of the truth in the real world, don’t we?
        7. Forget the gimmicks and techniques and methods of others. Express your uniqueness as a creation of God by being creative and allowing God to work through you the way He wants to.
        8. Put it all together and learn how to respond in a known language to those with whom you have to do. Your quoting the King James Version of the Bible to the unsaved just makes them think that you are some kind of religious weirdo whose mind has time-warped to the 17th century and that you are definitely someone they don’t want anything to do with. Speak in tongues and watch them run away from you. People want real world communications from you, or anybody else.
        9. If you memorize the entire King James Version of the Bible (or any other) and you still can’t convey your thoughts on the things of God to other people in your own words, then you are still just an ineffective witness for Christ who has memorized the Bible.
        10. Jesus Christ Himself and Paul the apostle used contemporary language to convey the things of God to those who heard them. The way they spoke to the people is not how the English people of the 1600's spoke as compared to today. If you want to be understood you must use contemporary language and examples that are easily understood by those who hear you. The more effectively you can be understood the greater the power of your witness. Unless and until you, yourself, understand what you believe and are capable of conveying to others why you believe it, with contemporary language and examples, then you can quote scripture all day long and never make one single convert.
        11. After you have learned to convince yourself of your biblical beliefs, then it’s time to look around for short, sweet examples of how to convey those lengthy paragraphs with the fewest words possible. Utilize the KISS formula: Keep It Simple Saint. And with words that will cause the listener to have to respond to the spoken (or unspoken) questions of “what,” “how” and “why.”
        12. Recognize that both offensive and defensive techniques have their place in your witness to an unsaved world. Learn how and when to utilize one strategy over the other. Don’t look upon your witnessing as a time to “win” a debate so you can carve another notch on your witnessing belt. Let God give the increase and know when to quit so God can utilize others to give that increase to what you are responsible for planting or watering.
        13. What has been said, above, boils down to a 24 hour a day, seven day a week lifestyle of being an active player in true Christianity, instead of just being a fan, or groupie, or trekkie of entertainment Christianity and/or a supernaturally powerful and wise historical Jesus. What you do speaks into other peoples lives much more than the words you say. That’s true lifestyle evangelism, isn’t it?
        14. Don’t forget that those who have less time in the faith look upon you as a role model.
        15. Don’t try to reinvent the game ... All the rules are clearly spelled out in the Bible, not by traditions of men and making the word of God of none effect with this contemporary pseudo-Christian fantasy lifestyle, or someone claiming to be a prophet who gives you some alleged message that “God told me ...,” or “God showed me ...,” or any other such subjective experience. They may be sincere in what they say, but if it’s not Bible, then they are sincerely wrong.
        16. Don’t want to do all that? How will that change the past history of the ineffectual witness to the unsaved by an illegitimate, paganized, Romanized, pope-modeled, traditional, man-made system that has violated the very will and purpose of God for His ekklesia? A system that has no place in God’s economy other than as a spiritual Babylon from which the overcoming remnant bride of Jesus Christ will exit as they realize the truth of God’s eternal purpose? We’ve had 1,700 years of this humanly-devised junk and it doesn’t work. We keep trying to make it work, but one definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results each time.
        The institutional church system today is divided about biblical truth and trying very, very hard to unite in biblical error.
        Which camp do you want to be in when you come face to face with Jesus Christ?
What Will You Be When The Clock Plays Out?
