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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


February 8, 2004

Prophets Of God—Weep And Rejoice With Dancing and Singing

        I saw God weeping and I was greatly moved, so I asked Him and said, “Father, why are You weeping?” He said, “I’m weeping because of My prophets and what they are suffering at the hands of the false prophets and the false believers and what they will suffer even more as the antichrist system begins to evolve and be defined and to become more visible.”
        Then I saw God rejoicing and dancing and singing, and I said, “Father, why are You rejoicing, and dancing and singing?” And He said to me, “Because when that day comes when I welcome My prophets into their reward and into My kingdom, in that day, I will rejoice with them and they will rejoice with Me, and we will rejoice, we will dance and we will sing and they will know that the thing that they have had to endure has brought them this reward. Tell My prophets, I know your pain, I know your suffering, I know the things that you are going through. If there were any other way to accomplish My purpose for you I would do it. But this is what is occurring and what will occur and I have told you beforehand in My word. So the things that you endure, look past them, look beyond them, with the hope and realization of your reward and of rejoicing and singing and dancing with Me in My kingdom for all of eternity.”
