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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


Time of the Watchman

August 28, 1998

     There is coming upon the earth a time of great visitation of My power. There is also coming unto the earth a great conflict of power among the nations. And in this power-charged atmosphere, says the Lord, My Holy Spirit power will be far greater than the combined power of the power of man.
     For I am a God of power, and I am power. And those things that are in the world are there by My power. So the power that is being displayed for the purposes of death and destruction bring about an undoing of all the things that I have created by My power and are in conflict with My creativity, says the Lord.
     Many have prayed, many have sought much from Me, many have expected much from Me. Many have desired to harness My power to use for their own purposes. But My power moves by My sovereign will and not by the will of those who are subject to My power. I have well established this theme in My word, that the clay is subject to the potter.
     As the power of this world is released unto death and unto destruction and unto disease there will be many differing priorities in the lives and in the hearts of men and women, both those in the world and those in My body who are in this world, but not of the world. And My hand shall be upon them, says the Lord.
     For there is great fear in My body, there is raw terror in the hearts of many. And many have turned to their own devices in order to attempt to stay the power upon their own personal lives. But My power, says the Lord, is designed to touch personal lives.
     And so as preparations are made in the natural for the defense against the effects of that power and as preparations are made in the supernatural against the effects of that power by those who are in fear so shall they also stay the effects of My power working in them and through them for those who are powerless, for those who do not know that the sun of righteousness is arising with healing in His wings.
     For My Beloved Son shall be lifted up and shall draw all men unto Himself. And those who have not attempted to stay this power and prepare themselves, and defend themselves against the power that is coming, they shall be drawn to Him and they shall be powerfully anointed.
     For I am calling many forth now, says the Lord. These are My yielded vessels, yielded instruments in My supernatural army that shall bring unity to My body. They shall bring order, they shall be instrumental in reinforcing the foundations upon which I have laid My human government, says the Lord.
     So those who are even now preparing their hearts and laying aside the earthly things that trouble them, those who rather than anxiously awaiting the manifestation of the power of death and destruction, these watchmen I have set. They are scanning the horizon and they are looking anxiously and they are awaiting the arising of My Glory upon that horizon. And as the first rays of Glory break through so shall My watchmen report.
     For this is the time of the watchman and those who have stationed themselves, and positioned themselves and remain steadfast on duty in a state of constant spiritual alertness. To these, says the Father, to these I will reveal Myself and I will manifest Myself. And they shall know and they shall report.
     Some will rejoice with great joy. Some will not believe. Some, those whom I have chosen, shall carry the report as their duty, regardless of the pummeling of the stones cast upon them. They are faithful to keep their flesh under and spiritually obey that which I have commissioned them to do.
     For now is the time, says the Lord, now is the time for My watchmen. Now is the time for those who have walked the midnight hours.
     Now is the time, says the Lord, for those who have held on to their lonely vigil, in their lonely outpost and in their solitude and their devotion unto Me.
     Now is the time says the Lord, for them to report.
     Whose report will you believe?, says the Lord.
