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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


January 16, 1999

Watch and Prophesy

The Father says to His church:

     There is much activity in the camp of the enemy. And those that I have placed in strategic locations as watchmen for My church are watching closely and they are seeing little activity. For the enemy knows that he is under surveillance. And the watchmen that I have placed are to watch. For those that I have anointed know that this apparent lack of activity is indicative of the fact that the enemy knows that he is being closely watched and is attempting to hide his activities from those who would report it to My church. So continue to watch for there is much activity.
     And there are many things that are now transpiring in the camp of the enemy. And those with My anointing will continue to maintain their vigils and they will see those things that would indicate what the enemy is planning. For I would not have you ignorant of the devices of the enemy. For although he is powerful, he is a conquered foe. And as My church continues to watch and survey with a holy alertness, so shall the power of the enemy be brought to nothing. And those of you who are not sensing activity by the enemy, don’t be lulled into that same sense of inactivity—don’t be lulled into a sense of inactivity because you think there is no activity. For there is much that is transpiring. There is much that is happening. And My anointed watchmen will see the slightest little tell-tale sign that would indicate the purposes of the enemy.
     For there are great and mighty and powerful acts that are yet to be performed by My church. And the enemy would attempt to undermine each and every holy activity by My church. But the gates of Hell shall not prevail against My church. And those whom I have anointed are preparing: they are preparing themselves even now. In the beginning stage of being prepared for the things that are going to happen, they are watching and they are listening for My voice. And they are hearing My voice through the voices of those that I have anointed as prophets. And as they continue to speak forth from their hearts what the watchmen see and what the watchmen hear you shall have a powerful weapon against all the power of the weapons of the enemy.
     Watchmen, watch. Prophets, prophesy. Church, respond. For I have commissioned you to go forth into the whole earth and to proclaim to those who are slaves and captive to the sin that abounds the good news, the gospel of My Son Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. For My gospel is My power unto salvation.
     And though there are many that even now you would look upon and recoil in horror and disgust at the sin in their life, yet these are the very ones that I want you to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to. For My Son suffered and died for these just as much as for those who sit in high places, with fine things and luxury whose sin is equal or greater than those who are so blatantly apparent.
     For you are not to judge that which you see by your eye, or you hear by your ear, because in My judgement each and every soul is precious unto Me. And as you continue your activities and you widen the scope of your efforts in the darkness around you I will not leave you, I will not forsake you, but I will be with you always. And you shall go forth in My power. And you shall go forth consumed with My love for you, and for each and every soul who My Son died for.
     And as My watchmen watch and My prophets prophesy and as you discern the true from the false so shall your power defeat all of the power of the enemy. And the harvest will be plentiful. The harvest will be full. And My church shall grow and strengthen and go forth in the power of My Holy Spirit and bring forth much fruit.
     Know this, that those who hold back in fear from doing that which I have called them unto shall reap great disfavor in My sight. For you walk not in the power of the strength of your flesh, but you walk in the power of My Spirit. For I have given and given freely that you lack nothing to win in this spiritual battle against the evil one and his evil.
     Would you withhold from those who have not, in an attempt to retain what you have? I tell you that if you withhold from those who have not then I will take from you that which you are attempting to retain and I will give it to those who will not withhold, says the Lord. Greater love has no man than to give up his own life for another.
     For darkness and evil are not your inheritance from Me, says the Lord. For I have given unto you every good and every perfect gift from My heaven in order that you may freely receive and freely give that which is the most precious. And that is life and life eternal for those who are My true sons and daughters. For I love you with a love that you will not comprehend until I receive you personally into My arms, says the Lord.
     Tell My church, prophets, tell My church what I have put into your hearts, and watchmen tell My church that which I have enabled you to see. Oh, how great the conflict that is approaching, and oh, how powerful you are because I have equipped you to win the conflict. So be encouraged and do that which I have placed in your hearts and which you know is the fruit of righteousness. For I long for a full harvest and I long for you.
