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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


September 26, 1999

Which Tree Will You Choose?

       While fellowshipping with the Father, He revealed to me some things in response to a dialogue I had with Him. He reminded me that the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy. He will attempt to kill our faith, and replace it with doubt. He will attempt to steal our joy, and replace it with depression. He will attempt to destroy our salvation and condemn us to doom, i.e., make us feel guilty and unworthy.
       He also stated that:
  • Our best and most effective weapon against the devil and his followers is truth.
  • Truth is best disseminated by personal testimony and witnessing.
  • Satan's best defense against truth is fear of personal rejection.
  • Fear of personal rejection is overcome by a full knowledge of the truth.
  • God's word is truth and witnessed to by the Holy Spirit and Christ crucified.
       The Father says to His church:
       My people are being destroyed because of a lack of knowledge, because of a lack of teaching authority of those who have declared themselves to be teachers of My people, My church. You must test every spirit, for there are many spirits in the world today. Many of the things that are being taught and practiced by those who have attempted to establish themselves as teachers of My people, many of these teachings simply reflect the desires of their own hearts in order to prove that their theological theses are being substantiated by what I am sovereignly doing.
       However, the tail does not wag the dog. For I am a God of power, and a God of sovereignty, and it is I Who have created you—you have not created Me. And many are trying to create Me now in their own image, so that I would do their bidding and their will and establish monuments to the desires of their own hearts. There are many reasons for this and for those of you who know My word and know My Spirit, you understand the reason why. Pray for these who are following the dictates of their own hearts, and continue to read and study My word, and continue your fellowship with Me through My Holy Spirit. Continue to keep Jesus Christ in your focus as everything that you need in your life.
       For I would not see My people destroyed because of the posturings of those who call themselves leadership. For My leaders are servants, and My servants are true to My word, and true to My Spirit and true to uplift My Son, Jesus Christ, and Him crucified, as the example for you to follow. They will not point to themselves, or establish themselves, or allow themselves to be exalted or honored, because they are servants. And they operate in love which is based upon the truth of My word and My Spirit. And they will fellowship among you and give of themselves because they are servants.
       Woe unto those who bring destruction unto My body! Woe unto those who would allow themselves to be instruments of the enemy! Woe unto those who are not true servants by bringing blessings to My people! For I am a God of love and a God of power and I am a God of justice. Because I am a God of justice, I am also a God of wrath, bringing destruction unto those who do not follow My word, and My Spirit and My Son. My wrath shall not fall upon My people, those who love Me and fellowship with Me and continue to fulfill their lives by expressing My will for My people, My church.
       Do not be deceived, for in your flesh are many things that would keep you from accomplishing the work and the way and the will that I have for you. Only through the daily taking up of your cross and crucifying your flesh shall you be overcomers, as My Son, Jesus, overcame. For those who truly overcome their flesh and those things that would bring destruction unto them and unto My people, and who truly follow My word and My Spirit and My Son, great shall be their reward.
       For those who continue to bring destruction upon My people destroying them by their lack of knowledge of My word, My Spirit and My Son, those shall be the object of My wrath. For I would not have My people to be ignorant. My Son is the way, the truth and the life. For those who walk upon the earth, narrow is that way, but broad is the place that leads unto destruction. There are few that find the narrow way.
       Truly, truly, I say unto you, not a word of what I have written shall fail to accomplish its purpose and contained in My word is the tree of life. Outside of My word and My Spirit and My Son is the tree of knowledge of good and evil which does not bring life. My will for My people is that you have life and life more abundantly. So you must choose between life and death. If you do not choose then the choice to not accept life is made. But for those who choose life there is no fear, there is only joy and My joy shall continue to strengthen you in the ways of truth.
       Would you receive a stone if you have asked for bread? Surely you must know the difference. So why do you accept a stone instead of the bread of heaven?
