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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


January 1, 1999


     I saw a vision of a Golden Eagle which was high above several hawks flying high in the sky. I got the words “Golden Eagle” and “Skyhawk,” and sensed that they were on a joint venture. The word I received on the Golden Eagle is the word just previous to this one.
     In my research of “Skyhawk” I came across the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk airplane and realized there was a parallel between this aircraft and the current move of God.
     The following information is excerpted from the web page at In this excellent site is a wealth of information on this fine aircraft and its designer. They make the following statements on their web page:
     “The Skyhawk Association provides an on-going fraternal-social affiliation of individuals who have maintained, flown OR foster, encourage, and support the “Skyhawk” aircraft and who are dedicated to the perpetuation of the legend, history, traditions, and camaraderie associated with the Skyhawk.”
     “This Skyhawk Association website is dedicated to: Edward Henry Heinemann (1947) designer of the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk (Heinemann’s Hot-Rod) the Ferrari of airplanes.
     “Ed Heinemann was responsible for the design and development of a remarkably successful series of combat aircraft, from the Dauntless dive bomber to the A4 Skyhawk jet. During a career that extended over six decades, he designed more than 20 fighter, bomber, and rocket aircraft. He died on 26 November 1991 at the age of 83.
     “His story is told in the excellent volume, “Ed Heinemann: Combat Aircraft Designer”, co-authored by Rosario “Zip” Rausa, published by Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland, 1980.
•A4D “Skyhawk”. Heinemann’s Hot Rod. This plane enjoyed the largest production run of any tactical aircraft in the history of aviation, about 25 years! The aircraft to which the Skyhawk Association and this website are dedicated. First flown in 1954, it is still active in the Training Command, VT-7, at NAS, Meridian, Mississippi, The Skyhawk’s contribution to the conflict in Southeast Asia is well documented. In the hands of courageous pilots, Marine and Navy alike, it was a superb close air support and interdiction weapon.” (My note here: interdiction means a restraint imposed as a protective measure). “Operating from the Yankee Station carriers, it was a spearhead for major strikes against the most heavily defended targets in the history of warfare. Based ashore below the seventeenth parallel, the Marines put the bomber to excellent use. It has been said that the aircraft’s most significant contribution evolves around how it proved that with diligent engineering, hard work and continuing cooperation between builder and buyer, wonders can be worked. Wonders that last a very long time!
     “Heinemann was one of a kind, the leader of a design team which time and time again gave the Navy, the finest aircraft available. Born in Saginaw, Michigan on 14 March 1908, he moved to California in 1914, where he began with Douglas Aircraft Company in 1926 as a draftsman. He served as project engineer before becoming Chief Engineer in 1936 and Vice President for Military Aircraft in 1958. In 1960, he joined Guidance Technology as Executive Vice President and in 1961 became Corporate Vice President-Engineering for General Dynamics, a position from which he retired in 1973.
     “Heinemann was awarded the Collier Trophy in 1953 “for the greatest achievement in aviation in America”—the F4D “Skyray”, as well as the Gugginheim Medal in 1978 in honor of his invaluable contribution to the nation. He was enshrined in the Aviation Hall of Fame in 1981 and received the National Medal of Science from President Reagan at the White House on 24 May 1983. He was designated Honorary Naval Aviator Number 18. He was a long time member of the Tailhook Association.
     “Following are some key rules Ed said be tried to adhere to when dealing with people. They give you a measure of the man!
•Tell people what is expected of them.
•Tell them in advance about changes that will affect them.
•Let those working for you know how they are getting along.
•Give credit where credit is due, especially for extra effort or performance. Do it while it’s hot. Don’t wait.
•Make the best use of each person’s ability.
•Strive to keep ahead of schedule.
•Don’t waste time.
•If you’re the boss, give guidance, direction, and most important, decisive answers to questions.
•Make sure people know where to go to get answers.
•Beware of office politicians.
•If you want to pick a man for a difficult job, pick one who has already thought out the problem or is capable of doing so quickly.
•Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
•A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices. Beware of these.
•Respect the specialists—those who are masters of a particular phase of an operation. But be wary of allowing them to make big decisions.
•Avoid lengthy committee meetings.
•Avoid paralysis by analysis.
•Plan ahead.
     “The Skyhawk Association is proud to dedicate our Internet website to this remarkable individual! Ed Heinemann is truly one of the legendary stalwarts in the golden age of aviation. We are truly grateful for what he has done for us and for our country! May God continue to bless him and his family!
     “The author gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Commander Rosario Rausa, United States Navy Reserve (Retired), co-author of “Ed Heinemann, Combat Aircraft Designer”, published by Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland, 1980, and also to the Editor of THE HOOK magazine, Captain Steve Millikin, United States Navy (Retired). By: Rear Admiral Thomas F. Brown III, United States Navy (Retired).”
     My research shows that this aircraft has been utilized by many different countries and has been refurbished and updated with newer equipment over the years.
     As my vision was of a Golden Eagle and a Skyhawk I sensed that they would be working together. I feel that both the designer and the Skyhawk aircraft he designed are types of the prophetic that God is raising up.
     There are many older prophets who will reject the current move of the prophetic. However, there are other older prophets whom God will continue to refurbish and update for His current move. I believe they will have the design, strike and restraining capabilities of the Skyhawk aircraft and the personal philosophies of the designer, as noted above.
     These prophetic ministries and ministers will be actively operating in the prophetic, intercessory, watchman and worshipper areas. They will be operating under the watchful eye of the Golden Eagles that God has anointed for this season of time. The effectiveness of these combined ministries and ministers will bring great deliverance to the people of God and also inflict great casualties upon the enemy and his followers.
     This is a word I received with this vision:
     This is a time of new beginnings for many. This is a time when many things of old that have been declared and have not borne fruit will be rekindled and brought to the forefront. And yet another attempt shall be made to maintain that which has been set up as an attainable standard in order to bring about a bettering of one’s life and lifestyle. However, for those who seek Me, and seek first My kingdom, these things are not an abstract idea that is placed before one in an attempt to attain it, but it shall become a manifested reality.
     For those who are truly My servants, for those who truly love Me, know the fullness of the richness of My glory and that all that I have is theirs. As these riches are appropriated by faith, individual and corporate, so shall these things become a manifested reality in the lives of those who truly love Me and obey My commandments.
     For there are many things that are now transpiring, there are many things on the earth that have happened which are indicators of things that are to happen in the spirit realm. For the rise of the outcries for morality in those who have been placed in leadership positions have been heard by Me. And the desire of those who are zealous to a commitment of ethics and integrity and excellence in public office and private lives has created an effect that has been heard in the heavenlies. And though there are many who are quite content with the way things are because it is profitable to them personally, there are also many who cry out for a wisdom and a justice that transcends the limits of mans capabilities.
     And as I respond to these prayers and to these cries, I will establish My justice, says the Lord. Many have begun to judge their own selves, many in leadership, and many who are not in leadership, have seen the vacuum that exists in the areas of moral excellence, not only of those who make decisions, but in the lives of those that those decisions will have an effect upon.
     There is much that is taking place in reestablishing the foundations of My church, and as the spiritual climate continues to be one in which there is a cry for justice, in this spiritual climate, I shall release My prophets and I shall release My apostles and these will speak of the things that are, and of the things that are to come. And all those who speak from a position of truth and moral excellence proclaiming My justice, those shall you listen to.
     For there are many who would come in My name who speak from a position of human frailty and weakness in an attempt to bring about a change in your natural lives and in the spiritual realm. And you must discern that which is of Me and that which is of the flesh and even those who speak by the spirit of Jezebel. For by their words and by their actions they would attempt to destroy the ministry of My true prophets. And they would attempt to establish themselves as My apostles. But I would not have you ignorant of that which is occurring.
     There shall be many more changes in climate and weather and politics and finances and all areas of human endeavor. There shall be new beginnings. And some of these beginnings shall come forth from old things and many of these things, because they are founded upon the old works that failed, shall in themselves also fail. But those who build upon My foundation shall produce that which will grow and thrive and bring about life, and life more abundantly.
     For to those who are truly committed to the cause of Christ and obeying His commandments I’m releasing a powerful anointing upon their lives that they may walk in the fullness of the truth and moral excellence which is and has been their foundational basis for many years. For they have proven themselves to be trusted servants, and they have proven themselves to be worthy of a further manifestation of the riches of My glory in their lives. And so shall they bring unto you, by their words and by their actions, a measure of fullness into your life that you may have life and life more abundantly. For everything that is of Me produces life. But everything that is from the enemy produces death.
     And those of you who have been faithful unto My words and the commandments of My Son, Jesus Christ, and have continued to diligently seek Me, I have for you great rewards. The fullness of the glory of My temple shall continue to be built upon the foundation of My word as it continues to be displayed and manifested by My true and faithful servants. For I shall build My church, says the Lord, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
     There is yet much to be revealed by those who are My faithful servants, My trusted ones. And as they continue to reveal unto you, line upon line, precept upon precept, those things that would provide direction and guidance for you, listen to them. For they are My servants. And you shall recognize them, not by their titles, not by their vain and empty words, but you shall recognize them as true prophets and true apostles by the works that they do. And they shall not bring unto themselves glory. But they shall bring unto Me the glory which is Mine.
     As the earth and all of the man-made systems within it is shaken, you will find firmness and you will find your place of safety on the foundation of My word. And those whom I have sent as prophets and apostles shall continue to lead you and guide you unto the foundation of My word by their thoughts, their words and their deeds. And they are to be trusted. For their sincerity and their trustworthiness has been established in the spiritual realm. So continue to exercise your gifts of the Spirit in order to truly discern those who are truly from Me. For the wheat and the tares shall continue to grow together until the time of the end. So use wisdom and look for truth and you will not be deceived.
     For many shall be deceived and follow those who appeal to their own vanity and their own glory. And so shall they give themselves great names and so shall they chronicle great works and publish them. And so shall they continue in an attempt to bring glory unto themselves. Don’t be fooled and realize that as they attempt to appeal to your human vanity and its desire for personal glory that it is a very real temptation, but one which My true disciples will recognize and they will avoid it. And they will press onward to the goal of their high calling in Christ Jesus.
