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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


January 25, 1999

Pursue Eternal Glory

     The Father says to His church:

     There is much activity in many different areas within My church today. And the measure of success is not being determined by that which is accomplished but by that which is felt as satisfaction in the hearts of many. For in view of all the tremendous activity that is going on, very little is really being accomplished that would underscore My purpose, that is My Son, Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. For this is the foundation, this is the basis upon which all theological activity must be measured and it must be standard.
     And all the things that are accomplished in the temporal realm are just that. They are fleshly accomplishments which do very little, and in many cases detract from, the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many have fallen into this trap and many are feeling a sense of self-satisfaction because they feel they are doing My will. Be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves. For witchcraft is a work of the flesh and much that is being done, and much that has been done, and is proudly heralded as accomplishments for the kingdom of God, for My kingdom, is a work of the flesh, witchcraft, which invalidates My purposes and goes crosswise to that which I shall do through My church.
     For My Son shall be lifted up and in lifting up My Son on His cross for all the world to see, in this way shall the men and women of this earth be drawn unto Him. When you lift up anything else in the name of Christ in the way of fleshly accomplishments you will only draw those who are in the flesh. And I know your flesh. And I know what draws flesh to flesh. But My Son, Jesus Christ, and Him crucified, shall draw all men unto Him.
     Would you supplant your wisdom with My wisdom? Would you dare to question your Very Creator as to His judgement and as to His justice? For those who have been truly anointed of Me, says the Lord, hear My voice and they follow Me, and they turn neither to the left nor to the right, but they follow Me. And though their pathway may not be clear, yet My word is a lamp unto their feet. And so they step one step at a time, in faith, and they follow after My will and they continue to build My temple of living stones in order to manifest My glory through My church. And another they will not follow.
     And for those who continue faithful and those who continue to walk the walk of faith, and who continue to build My church in the face of all the adversarial circumstances that surround you, these, says the Lord, I shall reward greatly. For these are My true servants, and these are the ones who have laid down their very life and they have taken up the cross of My Son, and share in His sufferings to bring about the manifestation of My glory on the earth.
     Truly, truly, truly, says the Lord, those who love Me, love My Son, and those who love My Son and obey His commandments shall know the fullness of My Son, and they shall know the fullness of Myself. And they shall be the bearers of light and they shall be the salt of this earth and they shall continue faithfully in the building of My temple of living stones.
     Would you be a part of My faithful army, or would you continue the building of the temporal, fleshly things of the earth? For the glory of this latter house, and the falling of this latter rain shall far exceed the greatest expectations that man has known in his heart. Because that glory and that rain shall be a measure of the fullness of Myself, says the Lord, and a measure of the fullness of My love that I shall pour out upon all flesh in order to accomplish My purposes for My people in order that they may continue to build, without interruption, My temple of lively stones. And thus be a light unto all nations that they too may enter into the fullness of all that I have for those who are faithful unto Me.
     And there is no glory that shall survive unto eternity other than that which is of Me, says the Lord.
