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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


September 19, 2001

Be A Shining Light

        The Spirit of God says to God’s people:
        This is an hour in which I have called upon the reserves that are within you in order that you may be, to those around you, that salt and light, and that physical and spiritual help and guidance that I have called you to be. So I call upon you now that you open up your hearts and let those things that have been planted, nurtured and grown within you become manifest to those around you by the things that you do.
        For there are many in this world who have retreated back into themselves and who view their own personal security as having been threatened. But I would have those of My people become as a father and brother and sister and mother to many of those that are around them. For they have not known or seen or been aware of those things that I have placed within you, that I have planted in you and nurtured and grown and pruned so that they would flourish in an even greater capacity. They have not seen these things within you. They have not recognized you as salt and light.
        But this is a time, and this is an hour when I call upon those things that I have placed within you to be utilized for the purpose of bringing comfort to many of those that are around you. For you will be recognized by your fruit to provide a testimony unto those who continue to cling to their anonymity and security of the shadows of the dark unseen places. No one takes a light and puts it under a basket in order that it’s not seen, but that light must shine so that the household is illuminated from within and visible from without.
        Do not be afraid of the terror that comes by night, do not be afraid of the destruction that comes at noon day, and do not be afraid of those who would bring you death instead of life. For I have placed within you the ability to overcome all these things that the enemy would bring into your life and circumstances.
        So I urge you this day, let the fruition of the things that are within you be made manifest to those who have refused that which I have offered them. For I am not a God that would withhold from His creation all that I have created. And I am not willing that any should perish.
        Take these things into consideration and under advisement as you go about your daily activities. Realize that many that have not seen you heretofore shall know that there is within you those special things that I have placed there not for your benefit but for the benefit of others that they may know the true and the living God, and His Son Jesus Christ
