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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


April 7, 1999


       The Father says, through His Holy Spirit to His church, this is a time of reconciliation, this is a time of healing for those who truly love Me. For the blood of My Son, Jesus Christ, has been poured out upon the earth, that His blood might saturate the earth and bring healing to the nations. And there are many who continue to walk in the footsteps of My Son, and to speak as He spoke and to do as He did, and to be obedient unto Me—obedient even unto the cross. These I will continue to bless, and My Holy Spirit will continue to be with them and to teach them the things that I have spoken, and that I am speaking, and that I will speak.
       And as they continue to walk into those places that I have sent them and continue to do the works of My Son, so shall the anointing upon them be great. The vast multitudes who waver in the valley of decision are watching you, church. They are seeing the things that you are doing, even more than the things that you are saying.
       Would you walk in the fullness of the power that I have given unto you? Then you must begin to do the things that I have commanded so that these watchful ones who waver will know who you are, they will know what you are, and they will know why you are what you are.
       Much talk avails nothing. And as you continue your walk in obedience to that which I have ordained from of old, many from the multitudes will follow you and they will begin to walk in life instead of the valley of the shadow of death. For My Son came into this world in order to give you life and life more abundantly. The enemy of your soul has come to bring death into your life.
       Life comes forth from union and your union with Me and your union with your fellow saints will produce life as you continue to do the things that will nurture that life. And I am pouring out My Holy Spirit upon the earth for interaction and inner action with My church. This shall provoke you into those actions that will continue to produce and nurture life—life for My saints, life for those multitudes who waver.
       There is no power in heaven or on earth, that is greater than My power. There is no love in heaven or on earth, that is greater than My love. There is no life in heaven or on earth that is greater than My life. And I am calling upon My church, My saints, in this late hour, to get involved with all of your being with the things that are of Me, which are the things that produce life, and nurture life that you may show to those wavering ones that there is no greater love than to lay down your life for another as you continue to carry your crosses daily and bring life to the multitudes in the valley of decision.
       For this is My commandment: By this shall all men know that you are My disciples if you have love one to another.
