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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


April 27, 1999

Go Into The World

       The Father says to His church through His Holy Spirit:

       There are many who have been called to the forefront to be servants in the body of Christ that their gifts would be a blessing and a benefit to the entire body of Christ. This calling has been in many areas and many of these areas are most unattractive. For I don’t send My people into those places that in their heart they prefer to go to. But I have called many to go into those areas where the enemy has established strong and powerful strongholds and encampments.
       Many of those areas are where poverty abounds and there are many unsanitary conditions, and food is not plentiful and sickness and disease is a way of life for many in those areas. Many have been called and few have responded to that call. I have sent many into areas where money flows like water out of a reservoir where the clothes and lifestyles and material possessions also flow in abundance and the people are well fed and healthy and attractive. Many have responded to that call and many have been caught up in that same lifestyle because the tempter came to them and they responded to his invitation.
       But My call is meant to be as a servant of My Son Jesus Christ, and following Him and His example of obedience unto death upon the cross. Many have been repulsed or attracted by the prevalent physical or spiritual environment to which I have called and sent them. Few have carried their cross faithfully through all of their experiences. There are many now who continue to play games with My Gospel and continue to play church.
       I have given you ample time and opportunity for those who have gathered together in My Name to train and equip those who know that I have called them and to send them out into those areas. But because My church continues to focus inwardly they have simply sent these called ones to another assembly of My saints in another area to minister to them. And so the game of church goes on and on.
       So now I am making a clear call to the assemblies of My saints, My people, wherever you may be, to look to the cross of My Son, Jesus Christ and to go into those areas that are both appalling and appealing that you may be salt and light unto both those whom you consider to be ugly and those you consider to be the beautiful people.
       For I have not called you as a people to play your game of church and to continue to go only where you feel you will be more readily received. But I send you into the fartherest corners of the earth, whether it be cold, whether it be hot, whether it be dry, whether it be humid, and I call you to look at the people who need to see you as salt and as light and as an ambassador of Him Who has sent you. Go as one who is in this world but not of this world.
       I have a harvest, an abundant harvest, that is being neglected because of your self-centeredness. Because you focus one upon the other in some supposed fault-finding quest in order to cast demons out from one another and prophesy over one another and lay hands on one another when I have clearly called you to go into all the world.
       For the harvest is in the world. The harvest is not yourselves. You are the instruments of My harvest and My harvest is in the world. So you must go into the world, into the real world, where many are suffering a lack of necessities to maintain and sustain their lives from one day to the other and into those parts of the world where there is a gluttonous excess. In season and out of season, you must preach My Gospel to these that are in the world.
       You look for your super-heroes, with fictitious, pseudo-biblical titles for Me to raise up so that they can be rulers over you. But I am raising you up, church, and I am sending you and I am anointing you. As for those things that you look for another to do for you so that they would tell you what to do, and how to do it, and when to do it—you are the ones that must make the decision to take action against the enemy of your soul and bring light into the darkness of this world.
       And the ones that step out in a faithful understanding of the biblical conduct that has been demonstrated to you by My Son Jesus Christ, and Him crucified, to those will I pour out My anointings, to those will I pour out My giftings. And those are the ones that will not only be called, but they will be chosen by Me, says the Lord.
