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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


Follow Jesus ...

        Many of you come to this web site because you want information on prophecy, or prophets, or spiritual gifts and etc. Unfortunately, many of you come here with preconceived mindsets. You want to find agreement with what you’ve been taught, and with what you’re trying to experience. That is to say you want confirmation of what you’ve been exposed to from those who claim to be your spiritual leaders. So, like all of us humans, you look over everything hoping to find just one little, tiny, insignificant point of disagreement so you can say to yourself, “Well, that’s not what I’ve been taught!” and then click off to somewhere else in your great search for acknowledgment of your truth.
        In physical and spiritual reality, all of the answers to your questions are to be found in the Bible, God’s written word to you. In the areas of prophets and prophecy and spiritual gifts and such there are articles and books that are in one single, easy downloadable file so you can download it and read it at your own convenience.
        Much of the content will make you uncomfortable with what you’ve been taught and with the experiences you are attempting to experience. Why? Because much of what you’ve been taught and told to expect in the way of experiences are not biblical, i.e., they are not found in the Bible.
        Do you want to split and run because you can’t find agreement and feel uncomfortable with the content of the articles and books on this website? Then you’re the ones that are the reason this web site is here. Only Jesus is exalted.
        Jesus said: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).
        Paul the apostle said: “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). And, “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour” (Ephesians 5:1-2).
        When Jesus said to “learn” of Him, the word is manthano, about which Vine’s Expository Dictionary says: “... not simply the doctrine of Christ, but Christ Himself, a process not merely of getting to know the person but of so applying the knowledge as to walk differently from the rest of the Gentiles ...”
        The word “followers” which Paul used in the above verses is mimetes, meaning an imitator and is always used in a good sense in the New Testament.
        We are to be disciples of Christ. “Disciples” is mathetes, literally a learner. It signifies a pupil, follower, supporter and imitator of their teacher. The root word shows thought accompanied by effort. The main idea of discipleship involves learning and fulfilling Christ’s teachings. Each believer is a living stone in the temple of God. As such, we are responsible for the standard of our individual temples.
        We are to learn of Jesus, a process of informing ourselves of knowledge of Him and then applying that knowledge so we walk differently from the rest of the Gentiles. We are also to imitate Jesus, as much as we humanly can by being responsible in putting forth our efforts to be His pupil, follower, supporter and imitator.
        Instead many in the church are busily learning about and imitating each other. That’s why you want justification of what you know and what you’ve been taught and experiences you’re attempting to validate for yourself. That way you can fit in and be one of the crowd and gain the approval, appreciation, acceptance and recognition of your peers. You can talk about your spiritual “revelations” and your spiritual experiences (real or imagined, Godly, demonic or humanly inspired) and draw the admiration and respect of your buddies. While that may gain for you man’s approval, you will lose God’s approval. One is a short term gain, the other is an eternal loss. Which one do you want for yourself?
        Please do yourself a favor and avail yourself of the writings on this web site. Be uncomfortable now so you can be comfortable in eternity with your Creator. Unless, of course, you want to test the intensity of the heat in the lake of fire.
        Sound threatening? Keep chasing each other and you will wind up in the intensity of the heat of the lake of fire. Learn of Jesus and imitate Him and His teachings and lifestyle and you will enjoy the comfort of God for all of eternity.
        If you’ve read this to this point, then you are responsible for making a choice based on what has been said. You will have to answer only to Jesus Himself on that day when you stand in front of Him and He reminds you of having read this.
