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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


February 20, 1999

God’s Kingdom Agenda

       The Father says to those who are truly His, to those who are living stones that constitute the living temple of the one true God:
       Come church, let us reason together. If My Essence is truly love, why is there so much hatred among you? If My Essence is truly power, why are you so powerless? If I am the sum of all truth, why are there so many lies among you? If I am truly your God and your Creator, why do you serve another? If I have really given you My Holy Spirit, and He comes equipped with the gifts that I have for you, then why do you seek the gifts of another? Why have you played the harlot, seeking for excitement and titillation of the flesh in order to provide entertainment for those who are starving for truth and who are dying for lack of proper spiritual nourishment? Why do you continue to play the coquette and bat your spiritual eyes in an enticing manner and flirt with the gods of this world? Why do you claim to be stepping forth in My Name and in My power? Am I deaf that I don’t hear the cries of those who seek Me? And you feed them the dung of this world and claim it is My gospel. Am I blind that I don’t see the criminality of the acts that are being performed in My Name and attributed to My power? Am I insensitive to truth, and to righteousness and justice that I would wink at your activities and continue to encourage you in all these things that produce rotten fruit?
       For those of you whose righteousness stems from self, and for those of you whose power comes from the influence that you have sought to rule over others in a controlling manner, to those of you who continue to desire to operate in the power of your own flesh, I turn you over to it, now. And I shall withhold My anointing upon you for you have proclaimed by your message and by your lifestyle, and you have broadcast it to all who would hear that you are the essence of all that is within Me. So now I shall watch you as you operate in the power of your flesh.
       And those I had called as prophets shall mutter among themselves instead of proclaiming My word to the world. Those of you I had called as apostles I shall watch as you continue to stumble, time and time again, upon the Rock of Offense, as you seek to go forth in your own power. You teachers in league with Jezebel, I shall watch your devilish antics as you continue to destroy and enslave. You evangelists that rely upon the techniques of this world, I will shut you down. You false shepherds who devour the sheep and fatten and enrich yourselves at the expense of My little ones I shall rebuke.
       And I shall call those that are in the caves and the wilderness and the desert who do not have the rich clothing and the rich homes, the rich ministries, but who in the shabbiness of their humanity, night and day are upon their knees, crying out to Me, “Show me truth, Father, show me righteousness, Father, teach me truth, Father, teach me righteousness, teach me your justice.” And these are the ones that I shall anoint.
       And those of you relying upon your flesh and your personal power and your personal control, as you languish upon your death bed I shall send these newly anointed ones to you, to teach you truth, and righteousness and justice that they have learned from My lips as they walk in the power of My Right Hand and come to you and teach you truth, and righteousness and justice. And when you reject them and humiliate them and refuse them, I will take what little anointing is left upon you and I shall pour it out on My servants and add it to their own anointing.
       For I, the Lord, the Creator of all that is in the heavens and all of the earth and everything that exists, will not have your human agenda in My kingdom. And it shall be as I have decreed. And those that I am calling forth now in their caves, from the wilderness and from the desert whose hearts are hungry for truth and righteousness and justice and who walk in the fullness of My love, these shall walk in the power of the prophets of old and the apostles of old. And they shall be saturated with My truth, with My righteousness, with My justice, with My love. And so shall they build My kingdom upon this earth.
