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His Word ... a prophetic perspective

August 4, 2001

Personal Adventure

        The Spirit of God says to His church, to those who are the disciples of His Son, Jesus Christ:
        Those things that continue to occur upon the earth and in your lives are viewed by many to be the consequences of those things which had gone before them. Others view them as a pre-determined course of action, which mankind is helpless to change. Even others see it as judgment from Me.
        However, there are very few who see the blessings that are behind many of the tragedies which occur. These things that happen involve you in personal adventures which are helping to shape the eternal destinies of each and every individual.
        For I know all things and these things that occur are not necessary to occur because of the inevitability of many of these things, but they are necessary to occur as a personal adventure in your lives that you may aspire to the true life with Me in eternity. The things which you have seen, the things that you have heard, the things which continue to occur are shaping you, they are molding you. As you respond to those things which happen about you, so you take a step either forward or backward in meeting the criteria to be established firmly in My coming kingdom.
        Many of the things that you have seen, many of the things that you have heard, many of the things that you have done have been in a negative sense. But because of the changing variety in the springs, summers, falls and winters of your spiritual climates through which you traverse there is always the opportunity to respond positively. For I am not willing that any should perish.
        As you continue in your walk some will walk with Me, some will walk with the enemy. My plans and My purpose are written and established in My word and in your hearts. Those who respond to those words and to those things which I have put within their heart shall be with Me. Those who spurn those things and My word and those things I have placed within their heart shall not be with Me. For I have placed many things into areas of your awareness so that you may make your choices according to My will, My plan, My purpose.
        Would you reject the hand of your Creator? Would you reject the thoughts of your Creator? Would you say that the thing created has preeminence over that which created it? Yet to those of you who continue to respond to that which I have placed within you, to those I will place even more. To those who continue to reject that which I have placed within you, you will create your own personal adventure for yourselves apart from My purpose for you. For I would not have you ignorant that I have great concern and great longing for all that I have created.
        I have worked out all of the details, I have recorded them all in My written word for you as a model. I have provided My Son, Jesus Christ, for you as a model. Why do you continue to invent your own models, and your own plans and your own purposes? Why do you fail to follow all that your Creator has provided for you?
        I shall build My church, and it will be according to all that I have written, not what you have written, or what you have experienced but what I have written. Those that continue to build their church upon their own models will not be a part of My church. For My church will be established upon the foundation that has been laid by My prophets and by My apostles, as recorded in My word, not by your prophets and your apostles according to their words.
        My plan is simple and permanent and truthful. Your plans are complicated, transient and full of lies. Will you serve your Creator or will you serve your flesh and in so doing serve the enemy of your soul?
        Hearken unto the word that I have written for your benefit. Hearken unto the words that I have spoken through My prophets and through My apostles and through My Son, Jesus Christ
