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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


January 29, 1999

Prologue ...

     to the word that follows.

     Much of what is posted as true “gloom and doom” are things revealed to a prophetic spirit as a matter of intercession. Many of these fail to come to pass, because they are revealed to the prophet/watchman/intercessor/worshipper as a prophetic possibility, but not a certainty, if the saints fail to pray and intercede. It’s more a matter of intercession for repentance in a spirit of mercy in order to prevent judgment.
     Other such prophecies come from the persons’ own judgmental spirit, incensed at what the “sinners” are doing. This indicates a lack of understanding of God’s attributes of love, mercy, grace, peace, wisdom, judgement and justice. God is not surprised at the actions of sinners. They are simply fulfilling their job description. If we fulfill ours, then we will continue to pray and intercede for their salvation and leave the judging to God in His wisdom.
     Other “doom and gloom” prophetic utterances are directed specifically to the church, or to the world, or a specific group of persons, or a specific area of the world, and etc., and must be discerned by the Spirit of God as to their applicability. There is a core of such prophecies that are straight from the throne room of God.
     In Genesis 18:32, God told Abraham He would not destroy the city of Sodom for the sake of 10 righteous persons.
     In Isaiah 43:25,26 God reminds us that He blots out transgressions and will not remember sins. And that we are to put Him in remembrance and to plead together with Him that we may be justified.
     In Jeremiah 5:1 He urges us to seek a person, if there be any that executes judgment, that seeks the truth, and He will pardon.
     In Ezekiel 22:30 He seeks for a person that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before Him for the land, that He should not destroy it, but He found none.
     John 3:16,17 states clearly that Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save it. That is through the primary thrust of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.
     Exodous 34:5-7; Deuteronomy 7:8; Isaiah 33:22; Jeremiah 31:3 and John 3:16 describe our Heavenly Father is a God of love, grace and mercy—and a God of wisdom, judgement and justice. (Justice is the use of authority and power to uphold that which is good). James 2:13 tells us His mercy triumphs (rejoiceth) over judgement. 2 Peter 3:9 says He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
     If that is kept in mind, then many of the things of the “doom and gloomers” must be subject to that theme and must be measured by the fullness of God’s attributes. Revelation 19:10 says that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And the bottom line of prophecy is restoration.
     Many things revealed to prophetic people are specific events about which the saints are to pray and intercede, not to announce as “doom and gloom.” God takes no delight in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23; 33:11.)
     He is true to His word and does nothing without revealing His secrets to His servants the prophets (Amos 3:7.) However, His intent is not always consummated. Jonah and Ninevah is probably the clearest example.
     The little word “if” is liberally sprinkled through the Bible. It states a qualification, or condition that must be met in order to exercise certain rights. As in, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14.)
     When there is uncertainty as to the genuiness or applicability of a prophetic utterance, intercessory prayer is always appropriate.
     Much is, and has been, prophesied about war. There is war on the earth and there is war in the heavenlies, and the two are closely intermingled one with the other. And to put a clear, distinct dividing line for the purposes of identifying one from another is not always an easy task for the prophet/watchman/intercessor/worshipper.
     Those who approach God as a worshipper who are the watchmen, and the intercessors and the prophets have a powerful spiritual influence upon the things that occur. And the things that will occur are written in the word of God. However, there is a severity of many of these things which is affected by His worshipping watchmen, intercessors and prophets. And by any saint of God who functions in that same spirit. So that those things that are not, will become substance by the speaking forth in faith of prayers and intercession and Godly-inspired prophetic statements that will bring about life instead of death.
     None of the things that accompany the anointing of God are ineffective in the earthly and spiritual battles which abound in great numbers and will continue until the final battle occurs. There is no child of God who prays and intercedes and prophesies whose word is ineffective in the battle. God has no rubber bullets in His arsenal—everything He has and uses is powerful.
     We are to continue to watch, continue to pray, continue to intercede and pursue the things that are good. And above all, persevere through all of the circumstances which shall surround us.

Vision and word

Abide in His Fullness

     I began to see towering, massive, dark storm clouds. One in particular rose high above all the others. Tall and distinct, to the left of the scene I saw it. I then got the words “war clouds.”
     This is the third time I have seen, specifically, clouds indicative of approaching war. On Sept 30, 1998 in “Storms” I saw storm clouds. On November 13, 1998 in “True Power” I identified these clouds as war clouds. And again, today, I got the words “war clouds.”

     This is the word I received accompanying this vision:
     The Father says through His Spirit:
     This is a day that is different from all other days. For there are many things that are happening and each day differs from that which came before it. Therefore each new day is one in which you must begin preparation. You must begin to prepare for the things that are coming. You must begin to saturate your being with the fullness of My Holy Spirit. And you must thus equip yourself to handle those things that shall surely arise and come upon you.
     For I would have you fully equipped and fully prepared for that which is going to transpire. There are many things that will be difficult to explain. There are many things that will be difficult to endure. There will be many things that are difficult to go through. But My people who are called by My name shall depend upon Me and thus shall their sufficiency be made complete for that which lies ahead.
     There are many things which are difficult to comprehend. And there are many things that make no sense. There are many things that are utter and total foolishness. But these are the product of the evil hearts of those in this world who continue in their rebellion against Me. And so shall this tumult and this chaos and this confusion be thrust upon you though you do not desire it. And many of you who have prayed that it not be so shall now have to begin to pray for My guidance through that which you have sought to avoid.
     There is much blood that has been spilled and saturates the earth of your habitation and many cries have come upon My ears. And so therefore the vengeance that is due for the spilling of that blood has been heaped upon vengeance by those who continue to spill it. And I am a God of justice, so therefore I shall do according to My word the things that are just.
     But My people shall continue to abide in Me and My Son Jesus Christ and many now shall find it necessary to take up His cross in order that others may live. Many who refuse to take up the cross of My Son shall themselves perish. And so shall I separate many who have not come fully unto Me and yielded even their very lives unto Me for their service unto Me.
     For I am a covenant God and I have made a covenant with you and I shall continue to be unto you all those things that are necessary for you that you are not, and have not, and do not. For I am faithful unto My word and you must be faithful unto My word and know that those things you are not, have not and do not, that are necessary for you, can only be provided by faith in Me and My word. And I will never leave you, I will never forsake you. But if you leave Me and forsake Me then that is your sovereign choice. But for those who remain I shall continue to be their God of provision and I shall continue to protect them from the things that are to come that would surely destroy them if they attempted to endure them in the strength of their own flesh.
     For I am a God of the supernatural and I will continue to provide for you from the abundance of Myself. And I shall continue to pour out My anointing upon those servants who are true and faithful and who continue to abide in Me.
     For I am a God of hope. And from Me you may anticipate all that is good. Goodness is not a thing that is readily stocked and available for instant purchase and delivery at a time and place of your convenience. But goodness is that which will follow you accompanied by My mercy as you continue to walk in the footsteps of My Son, Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.
     And know this—no truly good thing was ever obtained by the efforts of human flesh that will remain for all of eternity. For the things of this earth are temporal and they lack the solidity and the permanency of those things within My kingdom. So set your heart and your eyes on those things that are above and abide in the fullness of all of My provisions for you.
     For you are yet as children in a strange land in the things that are coming. But I shall take you by the hand, and I shall lead you, and I shall guide you and I shall walk with you, and when necessary, I shall carry you. For I, the Lord your God, lack nothing to preserve you whole—body, soul and spirit—until that day when you shall be with Me.
