Pacey: I think i'll frost my tips !
Dawson: Frost your tips?

Dawson: All this chat about a 2nd kiss puts me in the mood for a 3rd !
Joey: Me too !

Joey: You did it again! You grabbed my butt!
Pacey: Like you even have one.

Joey: Unrealistic? Dawson, your favorite movie is ET.
Dawson: So?
Joey: A fat-fingered alien who eats Reeces Pieces and flies around in a bicycle?

Abby: Oh great. It's Howdy-Doody time.

Abby: Eight hours? We're gonna murder each other.
Miss Tringle: Well, just don't get any blood on the books.

Pacey: Wait, wait. She kissed you?
Dawson: Yeah.
Pacey: She kissed you like an aunt on Thanksgiving kiss or she kissed you?

Email: mam@netnitco.net