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Hello. My name is Chuck Foley. I'm a 68 year old gay male living in Southern Indiana. As u can see from the above foto I'm very much into fitness, exercising and other health realted fields, and my purprose, I have to have one for this page it to encourage other older men, regardless of their sexsual bent to aim for higher health standards. It seems that after males reach the aqe of 50 or there abouts, they are, more or less, forgotten and considered, for the most part, useless. And this prevailing concept is, of course, very damaging to their egos and selfworth. This attitude is totally erronious and hopefully someday older males will see their true value: fit, handsome, usefull, loving, needed, and filled with lifes experiences to share with others. Drop the beers cans guys, get off the sofa and go for a walk. You will look better and feel better, inside and out. Loose that gut, firm up your butt and get out of that rut. It will kill you. YOU ARE OF MUCH VALUE BUT YOU HAVE TO BE THE FIRST TO RECOGNIZE IT. I'll be more than happy to answer all e-mail and share fotos with any one interested.

My Favorite Links

healthy older men
freepostcard site
