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Yo You Scenester Punks!
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Can You Feel The Love?

Whoa, whoa! What is going on here? Okay, I must brag a little because I took this picture and I think it quite perfectly encapsulates the 2003 Christmas party spirit. Lots of love, lots of scandalous behaviour. Not to mention lots of other things. And all caught on film. My god.

Best moments I can recall: 1) Trying to get Jules to strip and taking one for the team 2) Pat and Diego's housewarming party, in the kitchen, around 2:30am (actually, all night) 3) Beer upon beer spilling on the pool table at Hoops, yeah Mike 4) Shakin' it with the girls & boys to Hey Ya every time Fraser puts it on at the 'Junos nominee convention' called Alto 5) Drunk friend after drunk friend's names being called out for winning DVDs at the Heineken party 6) Talking shit with Nat and Chris in my bedroom as the sun came up

If you want copies of these pictures, email me at and I'll send you the original format. My apologies to all web designers. I know you must be cringing right now.