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My Works

 Cody C.H. Schug

             It’s been a semester, and looking back, it’s been quite the interesting journey.  I was quite excited about my first article, typed it all up, handed it in…and had it ripped apart.  If there is one thing I’ve learned, it’s that creative writing and reporting are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. 

After I finished crying, I sat down and took a look at that first article, and I really started to see what I was doing wrong.  Could I apply this to my next article?  Yes, actually, I did.  My second article used a lot less opinion than did my first.  I wrote it with much more of a “newsish” tone. 

So here I was, feeling good about myself and going into article three.  I finally figured out what was wrong, and it was an editorial…my favorite kind of writing.  So you can understand my extreme confidence while preparing myself for this article.  I wrote it and turned it in, grinning the entire time.  What happens this time?  ANOTHER BAD ARTICLE.  Man, I am a piece of work.  So once again I go back and take a look at this article to see what I did so wrong.  I began to see that I wasn’t arguing a specific point.  I was just rambling really. 

So the next article was my profile.  I made sure that I was detailed and informative, but not boring and opinionated.  I combined that creative writing stuff that I’m so good at with my normal reporting skills to form what I thought was a pretty damn good article.  I got a B, so I’m still not exactly getting this.  But I am getting better at it.  And as I continue to write, whether I’m in this class or not, I know my skills will continue to improve.  Just as they have thus far.

On this web page Jamii, you will find links to all my articles, revised, and for the most part better.  I Really enjoyed having class with you this year, and I look forward to taking future classes with you throughout my tenure (I'm impressed at my own ability to use big words) here at BV.


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This site was last updated 05/22/03