The Official Max & Sweets Website

Recommended Stuff to Eat/Drink/Ingest Today:

People to think about this month: Mr. Chan of Atlantic City.
special quote: "The buffet? It's by those slot machines that you were at earlier? Remember those slot machines?"

Quote of the year: "War is dumb." --Alli Carter

People to bash this month: Trudi and Julia Gulia. And the lady who hosts $40 a day on the Food Network.
last month's bashed people: Niki, Harvey and their daughter Shelly.

Links to Check Out:

WHO KNEW!?!??! -for the latest news on yetis, aliens and the end of the world -excellent soundtrack.

may 23, 2004
sweets, you asked me to find a place to put photos, and so i signed up for this, but i don't know what's going on. i wanted to make it cool but all the structure they're imposing on me is stifling my creativity. i don't know how to get around their format. i'm lost and confused... and i don't know what colors go with what. i'm no martha stewart, don't hate me.

june 9, 2003
sweets, i put 2004 up there and no one corrected me. perhaps people think this webpage sucks and don't really read it.... alina's brought it to my attention that there haven't been any updates to this, so here i am updating. I hate myself.

may 17, 2004
hi sweetie pea, i see ernie again tomorrow and take him on a field trip to the vet. i can't wait to move into my new pad already, and have him trotting around. i wish you were here with me too. i found an excellent thai restaurant called the Soho Cafe, just like the shirt you got me from NY. I had some kind of curry, and man, it was soOOooOoo good. I just found out that they're opening another restaurant (more fusion though) around the corner from my new place. You and I-- we're going to go there and check it out. We'll like, live there and shit.

Click here for *almost* porn photos.