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Klaver Family

My name is Chares Mark Klaver and I am the son to Ben Charles Klaver and Mary Sue Klaver nee Stell. I am trying to seek out any relatives that I might have. My father's name is Ben Charles Klaver and he's originally from Wisconsin. I grew up not knowing my father until 7 years ago, my father is a man that does not speak much of his past therefore I do not know whom I am related to. My father tells me that he has 10 children however he does not know where they are all at. I would like to find any other siblings and family members that I have. My father also states that I have aunts, uncles and cousins however he has not spoken to them in years.Ben Charles Klaver AKA Chuck Klaver is my father. He was born in 1940 to Seibert Klaver and Lillian Klaver nee Coopersmith. According to my fathers birth certificate his place of birth was at Ovitz Hospital in the township of Laona which is located in Forest County Wisconsin and the usual residence of the mother was Township of Long Lake which is located in Florence county Wisconsin. It also states that Seibert’s birthplace was Rhinelander, Wisconsin and that Lillian was born in New York, New York. My father has spent his life as a drifter and would settle down from time to time and spent a lot of time in Chicago. He states that he has been with a few woman and has 10 children and does not know where they are all at. I only know of two other children that my father has other than myself and they are Ben Klaver and Steve Klaver. My father has stated that I have a sister by the name of Barbara in New York. I am not sure how true this is since he will not give me any other information on her. Seibert Klaver lived in the state of Wisconsin. I am not sure of the exact year of birth however I do know that it would have been 1891 or 1892. He was a lumberjack until he married Mary Ann Shooning. After getting married Seibert had began to farm so land up in Wisconsin. Seibert and Mary Ann had 10 children: Catherine, Mary, Connie, Betty, Virginia, Albert, Pete, Lawrence, Matt , Bob, Joe and Nick. Mary Ann had passed away in 1933 and the children were sent to an orphanage. I understand that Seibert had gone back to being a lumberjack after the passing of Mary Ann. I am told that Seibert had played the field being a bachelor. Sometime during his bachelor period, he had met Lillian Coopersmith and married her. What happened between Lillian and Seibert, know one can tell. Albert and Bob Klaver has know Idea on who Lillian or Ben Charles Klaver (son to Seibert and Lillian) was. I was told by Albert and Bob that Seibert had passed away in 1946. If you're related in anyway or think you may be related, please contact me by replying to my email address, which is MARKROBYN@PRODIGY.NET

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