Window's 98 quick fixes(expert)


Warning ! This webpage is for trained technicans only!!!

I am writing this page as a reference to technicians so that they can fix common problems. The information on this page if done incorrectly could destroy your computer! If you are not a technician and decide to try this anyway you do so at your own risk I am not resposible! Dont be an idiot ! If you do not know what your doing and you think that you need something on this page done find some one who is trained or certified to do it for you! I also would like to stress to everyone I am not going to go into indept explainations on this page. I will only give a problem and a solution that all.

Friends dont let friends fix computer untrained!

Message provided by tapmdm Technicians.Agian.People.Making.Dumb.Mistakes

Comming Soon !
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