Window's 98 quick fixes(Beginners)


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Q:What should I do when my windows 98 operating system is running slow?

A: MSCONFIG - MSCONFIG is a command that is availible to windows 98, windows me and windows xp. Msconfig gives the user the ability to reduce the amount of resources that are being used by your operating system so that you can increase the speed.Resources are the amount of ram that is availible to switch files. to perform this action you should click on start. then click on run. Make sure the run box is complety empty then type in lowercase letters msconfig and click ok.A box will open up and will say microsoft configuration utility. On the top of this box you will see tabs the first tab will start with general the last tab will say startup click on the tab that says start up uncheck everything in the start up tab except scan registry and system tray click apply and click ok it will ask you to restart. restart your computer and it should be faster!.


If something does not restart that used to come up on startup such as antivirus or fire wall software repeat the steps above look for the program that does not restart from the list and recheck it. This is not a dangerous program you can always turn your start up items back on.

Q:What should I do when my windows 98 operating system is not detecting a device?

A:ASD(Automatic Skip Driver) Automatic Skip Driver (ASD) identifies failures that have caused Windows 98 to stop responding on previous startups and marks them so they are bypassed on subsequent startups. It will try to avoid future problems of the same sort by automatically skipping the operation that was occuring when the problem developed. Unfortunately, because of this, it may disable the loading of drivers for some of your hardware, which could cause further problems.To perform this fix click on start then click on run erase anything in the run box then type asd and click ok if there are problem in asd it will give some check boxes put a check in all of the check boxes and click ok it will ask you do you want to restart click yes it will restart and your problem will be fixed if none are found then you will get a message that says no criticaloperation failures on this machine click ok and the box will go away.

Q:My computer keeps comming up with error messages how do I fix it?

A:SFC (System File checker)The system file checker checks the files on your syst o see if there are any corrupt files and it give you the repair the file from a windows restore disk of form the windows/option/cabs directory on your hard drive if it is available. to access the system gile checker first you click on the start button then you click on run. After you click on run delete anything that is in the run menu and type sfc and click ok. A new box will appear that says system file check click the circle next to the box that says scan for altered files the files and click the start button.A blue bar will start moving across the bottom of the screen if it finds a corrupted file it will say "windows has found that the following file may be corrupt" then it will list the file it will give you the option to skip or repair th file click repair the file. next will be a box that has to line on it. The first line will say restore from location.At the end of the line click the browse button. A box will come up with with alot of drive letters on it click on the c: drive there should be a plus sign next to it tha turns to a minus sign.Then a bunch of files will fall down under it click on the folder labeled options and it to has a plus sign next to it that urns to a minus sign under that file there is a file labeled cabs click once to highlight that file then click ok on the bottom of the box.the box will close and in the box thatis label restore from location it will say C:/windows /options /cabs then click ok at the bottom of that box the blue bar will continue to move across the bottom until it finds antoher corrupted file if it does repeat the process until the blue bar completes


If SFC finds 5 or more corrupted files on your system it is a good indication that it is time to reinstall windows 98

Q:What are windows 98 oing a hot keys?

A:Hot keys are keyboard shortcuts used to access programs faster than using the mouse here are a few hot keys to try:

CTRL and A Selects all the items in the active window.

CTRL and C Copies the item or items to the Clipboard and can be pasted using CTRL and V.

CTRL and F Displays the Find all files dialog box.

CTRL and G Displays the Go to folder dialog box.

CTRL and N Displays the New dialog box.

CTRL and O Displays the Open dialog box.

CTRL and P Displays the Print dialog box.

CTRL and S Displays the Save dialog box.

CTRL and V Pastes the copied item or items from the Clipboard.

CTRL and X Cuts the item or items selected to the Clipboard.

CTRL and Z Undoes the last action.

CTRL and F4 Closes the active document window

CTRL and F6 Opens the next document window in the active application.

Windows logo key The same effect as clicking on the "start" button.

Windows logo key and BREAK Opens the System Properties dialog box.

Windows logo key and E Opens Windows Explorer.

Windows logo key and F Opens the Find All Files dialog box.

Windows logo key and R Opens the Run dialog box.

Windows logo key and TAB Toggles through the taskbar icons.

Windows logo key and M Minimizes all active windows.

Windows logo key+CTRL+F Opens the Find Computer dialog box.

F1 Gives help on the active window or selected item.

F2 Rename a selected item.

F3 Opens the Find All Files dialog box.

DELETE Deletes the item or items which are selected.

CTRL+ALT+DELETE Displays the Close Program dialog box, from here you can shutdown Windows (r) or a running application.

SHIFT and DELETE Deletes the selected item or items without first sending them to the recycle bin.

ALT and BACKSPACE Undoes the last action, like pressing CTRL and Z.

ALT+SHIFT+BACKSPACE Redoes the last undone action.

ALT and ENTER Toggles an MS DOS application between full screen and windowed modes, also toggles Windows (r) Media Player between full screen and windowed modes.

ALT and ESC Toggles through open application windows.

ALT+SHIFT+ESC Toggles back through open application windows, the opposite of above.

ALT and PRINT SCREEN Copies an image of the active window to the Clipboard.

ALT and TAB Switches through the active applications.

ALT and F4 Closes the active application window

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Q:What should I do when my programs are running slow?

A:Change the role of this computer to anetwork server. WHen you change the role of your computer in windows 98 to a netowork server I forces the computer to use more of its resource for application instead of the operatinng system.This forces the computer to use the hard drive to for file extra ram.

Instructions for adding turbo juice to windows 98 ( you know it needs it):

Right click on the my computer Icon on your desk top

Scroll down the list that just came up till you get to properties

Left click on properties

Click on the perfomance tab it is the last tab on the right hand side

Click on the file system button

CLick on the drop down box that says client computer

select network server

click ok


To check the amount of ram that you have available to run other programs you should

Right click on the my computer Icon on your desk top

Scroll down the list that just came up till you get to properties

Left click on properties

Click on the perfomance tab it is the last tab on the right hand side

On this screen it will say system resource and it will give you a percentage that is the percentage of ram availble to run programs if that number is 80% or lower then you need to perform the msconfig instruction listed above.

Your computer is stylin now. what was that flash? My computer just restarted.