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to my dearest anjel.. babe.. analyn,

hm.. hi babe... well i'm not quite sure what was going on yesterday... i know i can't send you anything to make a good apology.. so, i thought i would just do something different.. and just try to express myself as much as i can through words.. so, here i am... probably boring you...i guess i should start...

i'm sorry for the nonsense i was telling you yesterday, i'm not sure why i said the things i said... but i know i didn't mean it.. i love you with all my heart.. and i think maybe, just everything starting getting to me..and i wish i never said it was over.. because i don't want that.. and i never want that.. your the love of my life.. you mean everything to me.. there's nothing in this world that means more to me.. it's all you.. i love you... i'm nothing without you, and i need you in my life.. you're the one that gives me something to look forward to.. your the one that brings smiles to my face.. you're my everything... my whole world... `sigh... i'm just so sorry for doing what i did.. and i don't want that... i really don't...

the way i was speaking to you yesterday wasn't right.. instead of me just sayings things that didn't make sense.. that hurt you.. that hurt me.. i should have just told you how much i love you.. and how much you mean to me.. i never ever.. want to lose you.. i want you in my life forever...i'm not ready.. i don't think i ever will be ready to lose you.. i'm sorry.. so sorry...

i remember... you said the best thing about having a disagreement.. or argument was the making up part.. and hope that this can be one of those times... that we can make up.. and get through it.. we can get through it.. together.. right? when one person is week, the other one is there to help right... i'm just so sorry babe.... hm.. ok, i don't know my words are getting short.. so i think i'll end this...

hm.. the point of all this.. the point is.. i never meant to say it's over.. and i want you back... so, i'm asking for your forgiveness.. and i'm asking for you to be mine... i don't want to start over.. i want you.. and i want everything we have.. cause i love everything about you babe..i apologize.....

love always, you babes joel-e