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Presents! The hallway contains presents that people have given to me.

Hover your mouse over the image to see the comment from me about the image


Angelfire hates the world -_-;;

Some people's gifts have been moved to their own pages!



From Piper @ KK

OMG!! My bishie boi! Lurv!! He is SO adorable in this, and I love the pose and the FEET!! XDDD Thanks Piper!~!
From Piper!
Aug 2003



From TK @ TTB

Late Easter present ^_^ THIS IS... THIS ROCKS!!! I HAVE A CHOCOLATE BARREL!!!! O.O *Hugs it to death* I won't EVER eat it, TK!!! Thank you so much!
From TK!
May 2003

GYYAAAA!!!!! This is ADORABLE!! O.O She draws so... CUTE!!! (3~ Tankie tankies TK!!
From TK!
Apr 2003

TK draws TOO adorable!!! They look so FLUFFY!!! XD My nickname... I wish I could draw cute like her! Anyway, thanks much, TK!!
From TK!
Dec 2002

Iz me! I love how TK colors! Thanks!
From TK!
Oct? 2002



From Voltage @ AS

This is really an art trade, but I ADORE it so much!! It's my robot Bishounen and I!! *cuddles him* THANK YOU VOLTAGE!! (I resized this image, hope she doesn't mind :D )
From Voltage!
Apr 2003
Size down for bandwidth



From Esse @ EDA

A Christmas Present from Esse! For all her staff members! Thanks Esse! He's adorable!!
From Esse!
Dec 2002



From Chaos @ CKR

I won Chaos counter contest for #999 and this was my request ^_^ Adorable homosexual Angel; Kaworu!!!!!! XD He's so cool, I couldn't resist asking Chaos to draw him. I knew she would draw him Godly-Adorable!! Thanks Chaos!!
From Chaos Rain!
Dec? 2002



From Li @ LSD

A 'sorry' gift for my lost bracelet... ;_; Thank you so much, Li! It means a lot to me when people care! This is FFX's Seymour (He's my God!) and Tidus. Cute yaoi pairing! I LOVE THE PENCIL WORK, LI!! Keep it up!
From Li!
May 2003

Christmas gift from Li! Iz Seto!!! XD Thanks Li! He's so CUTE!!
From Li!
Dec 2002



From Cam

Cam and I did a trade today, and this is her side! She did White for me! Thanks Cam!
From Cam!
Feb 2003

A random gift! Cam was on my staff, I guess this could be a going away prez ^^, It's adorable though! Thanks!
From Cam!
Jan 2003



From Meowthie @ PSR

So sweet... because I lost my dearest bracelet... Thank you Meowthie... so very much.
From Meowthie!
May 2003

Wee! Another gift from Meowthie! This one is me as an adorable sphynx with my guardian Z-Chan!!
From Meowthie!
Mar 2003

Out of the blue! It's my love, Z-Chan!! My guardian angel!! Thanks Meowthie!
From Meowthie!
Feb 2003



From Krys @ KACF

Her first cheetah! ^^ Tis me and a Zero plushie! A random giftu!! Thanks Krys!!
From Krys!
May 2003