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Welcome to Crissy's webpage


First of all i would just like to welcome you to my webpage.My name is Christina
but everyone calls me crissy. I am 20 years old, i will be 21 in october.i was married
in may of 2003.My husband's name is George.He is 19, he is not only
my husband but hes like my best friend.I can talk to him about anything and most
of the time i feel alot better.As of march 9th me and my husband now have a son,
his name is nathaniel.He is a joy to have arround.He is the picture
on the Webpage.Right now we are living in Chicago.

My hobbies include wrighting poems,songs,i love to sing but not infront of people.
My fav. anmials are white and black tigers and doplins.I love to read or listen to a
good poem or joke.I love thunder storms for alot of reason but mostly because they
let me get my thought strighten out.Rain is the best medicine for when your mad,
upset,or you just need to get your thoughts out. I also love to read

I'll tell you alittle about me. I have a crazy personilty, i love to be active.I'm a good
listener when someone has a problem. No one is perfect everyone needs to
remember that. Love those you who love you, and show love to those who
sometimes you may not think deserv it. I'm the kind of person who will let you
know what i am thinking even if sometimes you don't want to hear what i have to